This package is responsible for the communication between the StreetDrone vehicles and ROS based self-driving software stacks.
The interface bridges the gap between ROS kinetic and the OpenCAN vehicle interface of the StreetDrone Xenos Control Unit (XCU) integrated into the SD Twizy R&D and SD ENV200 vehicles.
We strongly suggest that you adhere to the following guideline in conjuction with the documentation you received alongside your vehicle
- A trained safety driver must always be present in the vehicle, monitoring the behavior of the vehicle and ready to take control at any time.
- This software is for research purposes only. Access to and use of this software is at your own risk and responsibility. No warranty expressed or implied.
- You are responsible for complying with the local laws and regulations.
- A tunable PID and FeedForward Linear Velocity Control loop has been implemened with a mature calibration at speeds of up to 20mph.
- Support has been extended to the ENV200, the latest vehicle in the StreetDrone fleet
- An intuitive yaw to steering map has been included
- Support for Localization, CAN and IMU speed source selection
- Support for OXTS and PEAK GPS-IMU
- Simulation mode for SD-TwizyModel in Gazebo
- Minor bug fixes
sd_vehicle_interface: This node is responsible for the main functionality of the package. Here the autonomous to manual mode handshake verification with the vehicle is implemented.
The output of the /sd_diagnostics
topic is used to implement a fault response if an issue is detected in the software.
sd_control: A tunable PID and feedforward control function for the StreetDrone Twizy and ENV200. A function for mapping angular velocity request from the software to the vehicle's steering angle is also implemented.
sd_gps_imu: The CAN parsing functions for an OXTS GPS and PEAK CAN GPS-IMU.
sd_lib: The implementation of the StreetDrone CAN protocol.
sd_typdefs: Variables and constants definitions.
socketcan_bridge: This node comes from the default ROS package socketcan_bridge. The package provides functionality to expose CAN frames from SocketCAN to a ROS Topic. Internally it uses the socketcan_interface from the ros_canopen package, as such, it is capable of dealing with both normal and extended CAN frames.
sd_vehicle_interface: The vehicle interface node for the StreetDrone (SD) Twizy and ENV200. This node translates the output messages from a ROS based software stack (geometry_msgs::TwistStamped) to SocketCAN messages (can_msgs::Frame) and vice versa. The node integrates a twist to ackermann function for controlling the steering of the vehicle and a PID controller with vehicle speed feedback corresponding to the output twist message.
- limited to 20 Mph
- ROS Kinetic ros-kinetic-desktop-full
- Catkin Command Line Tools catkin_tools
Go to the
directory of your catkin workspace and clone this repository or copy its contents.
If you haven't previously created a catkin workspace, please visit -
Install the ROS packages: socketcan_interface and can_msgs
sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-socketcan-interface ros-kinetic-can-msgs
- Build the package
# from the root of your workspace build only this package
catkin build sd_vehicle_interface
If you previously built your workspace with catkin_make
, do catkin_make --only-pkg-with-deps sd_vehicle_interface
Before launching, ensure that the CAN interface has been initialised.
For PEAK CAN USB interfaces, the steps to initialise CAN as can0, are:
sudo modprobe peak_usb
sudo ip link set can0 up type can bitrate 500000
If not connected to the car, virtual CAN Bus can be used. The steps to initialise virtual CAN as vcan, are:
sudo modprobe vcan
sudo ip link add dev can0 type vcan
After CAN is initialised, go to the root of your workspace and launch the vehicle interface using the following command:
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch sd_vehicle_interface sd_vehicle_interface.launch sd_vehicle:=env200 sd_gps_imu:=oxts
# adjust the launch parameters to your vehicle setup, as described below
arg | values | default | description |
sd_vehicle | {env200,twizy} | env200 | The vehicle under control |
sd_gps_imu | {oxts, peak, none} | oxts | The GPS/IMU used |
sd_speed_source | {vehicle_can_speed, imu_speed, ndt_speed} | vehicle_can_speed | Input vehicle speed |
sd_simulation_mode | {true, false} | false | Use on the car or on the Gazebo simulation |