The installation and usage procedures are available as video at (
Integration of CARLA (open-source autonomous driving simulator) with Project ASLAN (open-source autonomous driving software for low-speed applications).
Project ASLAN resources are available at: (
- Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
- ROS 1 Melodic ros-melodic-desktop-full
- Carla Aslan Mapper
- Carla 0.9.12
- Unreal Editor 4.26.2
- Aslan 1.x
To import a custom vehicle model:
- Blender 2.93.4
Follow the official instructions to install ROS Melodic on Ubuntu:
Create a new workspace directory:
mkdir -p aslan_carla_ws/src
Follow the official instructions to install Carla on top of Unreal Engine:
The ASLAN-CARLA bridge currently requires CARLA version 0.9.12. Do the following when cloning the repository to ensure this version:
git clone -b 0.9.12
In the “Build Carla” step, while compiling the Python API client, use the following command:
make PythonAPI ARGS="--python-version=2.7,3.6"
Install the wheel so that the ASLAN-CARLA bridge will be able to find it (the exact file names can differ based on versions of resources that you are using):
pip3 install PythonAPI/carla/dist/carla-0.9.12-cp36-cp36m-linux_x86_64.whl # For Python3 pip install PythonAPI/carla/dist/carla-0.9.12-cp27-cp27mu-linux_x86_64.whl # For Python2
Clone the Project ASLAN and the bridge repositories into the workspace created before:
cd aslan_carla_ws git clone --recurse-submodules src/Aslan git clone --recurse-submodules src/Aslan-Carla
Still in the workspace, install dependencies:
rosdep install -y --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro $ROS_DISTRO
Compile the workspace using
(orcatkin build
if using catkin tools). This will compile both Aslan and the bridge together.
Contact Sander van Dijk to obtain the model resources.
Go to the
directory of this repository:cd src/Aslan-Carla/src/resources
Extract the model resources:
unzip 'Nissan'
Copy resources into CARLA (check the path to
is correct in the commands below):cp -r 'Nissan Env200/Blueprint_Vehicles/Nissan_Env200LP' ~/carla/Unreal/CarlaUE4/Content/Carla/Blueprints/Vehicles/ cp 'Nissan Env200/Blueprint_Vehicles/VehicleFactory.uasset' ~/carla/Unreal/CarlaUE4/Content/Carla/Blueprints/Vehicles/ cp -r 'Nissan Env200/Static_Vehicles/Nissan_Env200LP' ~/carla/Unreal/CarlaUE4/Content/Carla/Static/Vehicles/4Wheeled/
Open a terminal
Navigate to the Carla root folder (e.g.
cd ~/carla
) -
Run Carla using:
make launch
After the first run you can also use
make launch-only
which skips some of the build steps. -
Once Carla is loaded, press the play button
Open another terminal and navigate to the workspace (e.g.
cd ~/aslan_carla_ws
) -
Source the workspace:
source devel/setup.bash
Launch the bridge:
roslaunch carla_aslan_mapper carla_aslan_spawn_vehicle.launch
This launches the bridge plus other required nodes, as well as Rviz to monitor the vehicle. You can disable starting Rviz with:
roslaunch carla_aslan_mapper carla_aslan_spawn_vehicle.launch rviz:=false
Follow the instruction in the given link: (
Before running any modules, make sure to go to the 'Simulation' tab and press the 'SimTime' button.
This repository contains all resources needed to run a demo scenario, where the ego vehicle controlled by Aslan will drive straight along a road, when another vehicle will come from behind, change lane to pass and then change lane back to cut in in front of the ego vehicle, forcing the ego vehicle to slow down, before driving off again.
Firstly, download and setup the CARLA scenario runner:
Download the source code asset for version 0.9.12 and unpack it into the
directory, so that it is ataslan_carla_ws/scenario_runner-0.9.12/
. -
Install its requirements with:
pip3 install -r scenario_runner-0.9.12/requirements.txt
Also ensure the following requirements are installed:
pip3 install transforms3d sudo apt install python3-pexpect
Export the following environment variables:
export CARLA_ROOT=${HOME}/carla export PYTHONPATH=${PYTHONPATH}:${CARLA_ROOT}/PythonAPI/carla
Ensure that the path to
matches your system. You can add these exports to your~/.profile
file to prevent having to run them anew in each terminal.
After that, you are ready to run the scenario:
Run Carla with
make launch-only
and press Play. -
Source the workspace using
source devel/setup.bash
. -
Spawn the vehicle with
roslaunch carla_aslan_mapper carla_aslan_spawn_vehicle.launch
. -
Optionally, in the Rviz instance that has opened, load Aslan's configuration by going to File -> Open Config, then browse to
, to get a better insight into what Aslan is doing during the scenario. -
Run the scenario with:
python3 scenario_runner-0.9.12/ --openscenario $(rospack find carla_aslan_mapper)/scenarios/Overtake.xosc --waitForEgo
Fly to the crossing just infront of the footbridge in CARLA (forward and to the right from the start position of the camera) to find the two vehicles that will play out rhe overtake scenario. You can also see it unfold in Rviz.