LAGraph is a draft library plus a test harness for collecting algorithms that use GraphBLAS.
Currently, SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS v6.0.2 or later is required. However, use the latest stable release of SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS for best results. See
Since LAGraph is a draft, it contains are many draft/experimental codes with known sub-par performance. Performance of the best methods is highly sensitive on which version of SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS is being used, as well. No one other than the authors of this code are aware of which methods are the best, and how to achieve that performance.
Thus, do not benchmark LAGraph on your own without asking the authors first.
To build do the following from the top level directory:
cd build
cmake ..
make test
To install, first build LAGraph and then do (in the build directory):
sudo make install
To compile with a non-default compiler:
CC=gcc-11 cmake ..
To compile with test coverage:
cd build
cmake -DCOVERAGE=1 .. ; make -j8 ; make test_coverage
The test coverage of the latest CI build is deployed to
Then open this file in your browser:
To run the GAP benchmarks, see the instructions in this file:
LAGraph contains the following files and folders:
CMakeLists.txt: a CMake script for compiling:
( cd build ; cmake .. ; make )
cmake: helper scripts for CMake to find GraphBLAS and to provide
test coverage
data: small test matrices for the continuous integration tests
deps: 3rd party dependencies
doc: documentation
include: contains the LAGraph.h and LAGraphX.h files
LICENSE: BSD 2-clause license this file
src: stable source code for the LAGraph library (LAGraph.h)
* algorithms: graph algorithms such as BFS, connected components,
centrality, etc
* utilities: read/write a graph from a file, etc
experimental*: draft code under development: (LAGraphX.h)
do not benchmark without asking the LAGraph authors first
* algorithms: draft graph algorithms such as Maximal Independent Set
* utilities: draft utilities
build: initially empty
To link against GraphBLAS, first install whatever GraphBLAS library you wish to use. LAGraph will use -lgraphblas and will include the GraphBLAS.h file from its installed location. Alternatively, the CMakeLists.txt script can use a relative directory:
../GraphBLAS: any GraphBLAS implementation.
So that LAGraph and GraphBLAS reside in the same parent folder. The include file for GraphBLAS will be assumed to appear in ../GraphBLAS/Include, and the compiled GraphBLAS library is assumed to appear in ../GraphBLAS/build. The CMake should find GraphBLAS, but if you use a GraphBLAS library that uses a different structure, then edit the CMakeLists.txt file to point to right location.
Tim Davis, Texas A&M University
Scott McMillan, SEI, Carnegie Mellon University
Gabor Szarnyas
Jinhao Chen, Texas A&M University
Michel Pelletier, Graphegon
Scott Kolodziej, Texas A&M University
Yongzhe Zhang, SOKENDAI, Japan
Marton Elekes
Balint Hegyi
Tim Mattson, Intel
Mohsen Aznaveh, Texas A&M University
James Kitchen, Anaconda
Aydin Buluc, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
Janos B. Antal
Roi Lipman, Redis
Erik Welch, Anaconda
Carl Yang
Tze Meng Low,
Florentin Dorre