Easy to use library to calculate Chess ELO rating and ELO performance
RatingResult Sandberg.Chess.ELO.CalculateNewRating(double, double, GameResult, int?, int?);
# Example
double playerWhite = 1298; // Set white player rating
double playerBlack = 1485; // Set black player rating
var result = Sandberg.Chess.ELO.GameResult.White; // White/Remis/Black
var ratingResult = Sandberg.Chess.ELO.CalculateNewRating(playerWhite, playerBlack, result);
You can set kFactor for both white player and black player. Default is 20 for both.
CalculateNewRating will return a Sandberg.Chess.ELO.RatingResult
"Winner": 1,
"White": {
"KFactor": 20,
"ExpectedScore": 0.6400649998028851,
"Score": 1,
"OldRating": 1300,
"NewRating": 1307.1987000039423,
"RatingAdjustment": 7.198700003942349
"Black": {
"KFactor": 20,
"ExpectedScore": 0.35993500019711494,
"Score": 0,
"OldRating": 1200,
"NewRating": 1192.8012999960577,
"RatingAdjustment": -7.198700003942349
Performance rating is a hypothetical rating that would result from the games of a single event only. According to this algorithm, performance rating for an event is calculated in the following way:
- For each win, add your opponent's rating plus 400 (factor),
- For each remis, add your opponent's rating
- For each loss, add your opponent's rating minus 400 (factor),
- And divide this sum by the number of played games.
(You can use a different factor you like, but 400 is default)
double Sandberg.Chess.ELO.RatingPerformance(double[], double[], double[], int?);
double[] wins = [1200, 1300, 1100, 1600];
double[] remis = [1245, 1300];
double[] losses = [1500];
var performance = Sandberg.Chess.ELO.RatingPerformance(wins, remis, losses);
// performance rating --> 1492,142857142857