This is an F5 iRules-LX Plugin that will decode a SAML message into raw XML.
Two ILX methods are provided by this plugin:
- decodeRAW(string RawSamlRequest)
- b64decodeInflate(string URLDECODED_SamlRequest)
Both methods will return the Raw unformatted XML of the SAML Message.
Download the desired build from the builds folder, and copy it to the /var/tmp folder on the target BigIP. From the BASH command line interface on the target BigIP:
tmsh create ilx workspace ilx-zlib
cd /var/ilx/workspaces/ilx-zlib
tar -zxvf /var/tmp/ilz-zlib-0.3b.tgz
tmsh create ilx plugin ilx-zlib_plugin from-workspace ilx-zlib