$ git clone https://github.com/khadirkilo92/makersbnb.git
$ cd makersbnb
$ bundle install
$ rackup
$ ruby app.rb
$ rackup config.ru
$ brew install postgresql
$ brew services start postgresql
$ psql postgres
\c makersbnb
CREATE TABLE spaces(id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(40), description VARCHAR(240), price_per_night FLOAT4);
CREATE TABLE users (id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, email VARCHAR(120), password VARCHAR(240));
CREATE TABLE bookings (id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, username VARCHAR(120), name VARCHAR(240), description VARCHAR(240), price_per_night VARCHAR(60), space_id INT;);
CREATE DATABASE makersbnb_test;
\c makersbnb_test
CREATE TABLE spaces(id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(40), description VARCHAR(240), price_per_night FLOAT4);
CREATE TABLE users (id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, email VARCHAR(120), password VARCHAR(240));
CREATE TABLE bookings (id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, username VARCHAR(120), name VARCHAR(240), description VARCHAR(240), price_per_night VARCHAR(60), space_id INT);
As a user
So that I can know the website
I want to see a logo and a welcome.
As a user
So that I can login
I want to enter my email and password.
As a user
So that I can signup
I want to enter my email and password and submit it.
As a a user
So that I can see all spaces
I want a listings page with all listings
As a customer
So that I can compare details of different listings
I want to view the name, description, picture/price
As a user
So that I can add a space
I want to go to add listings page.
As a user
So that I can add my space
I want to provide a description/picture/name/price
As a user
So that I can create listing
I want provide a description/form/name/price per night and then submit
As a a user
So that I can upload my pictures
I want a link to upload my pictures
As a user
So that I can book now
I want a book now button
As a customer
So that I can compare details of different listings
I want to view the name, description, picture/price
As a user
So that I can see the dates available
I want to view them on a calendar
As a user
So that I know how much it costs
I want to see a total sum for the nights selected
As a user
So that I can return to the previous
I want a return button
As a user
So that I can confirm my booking
I want a request booking button
As a user
So that I can see all my current and previous bookings
I want a list of my current bookings and previous bookings
As a user
So that I can approve requests
I want to review requests
As a user
So that can respond to request
I want to approve or decline a request.