The static coffeefinder
page was built using the provided static comp below. HTML/CSS muscles were flexed and a splash of creativity was added to reimagine the page, now using the cards to display information for various coffee shops near you! (Say hi to mom on card 7!)
- This project was built with a normalize.css file
- Miro wireframes were created before writing any code considering mobile first design and working towards the desktop, making design decisions based on key UX/UI priciples.
- Web accessibility was evaluated with WAVE chrome extension: 0 errors found.
- Chrome and FireFox developer tools
- Miro
- Git/GitHub
- WAVE chrome extension
- Colorblind: Dalton for Google chrome extension
This site is not functional, as it is a purely CSS/HTML repository. In the future I would love to add JavaScript to make the coffee finder dream come true.