Call remote functions as if they where local!
This tiny library let's you call functions from external processes, or remote servers easily.
No need for boiler-plating or juggling protocols.
Also it enabled you to create simple and fast RPC-APIs.
If you're developing service oriented systems or microservices, and don't need/want heavy REST-APIs,
this module might just be what you were looking for.
npm install --save ws-remote-fn
A Provider exposes an API to websocket-clients.
Provider = (options, api) => WebSocket.Server
- WebSocket.Server options (see ws)
- object containing functions only
const { Provider } = require('ws-remote-fn');
const myApi = {
myFunction: (x, y, z) => {
/* ... */
return something;
const myProvider = Provider({ port: 1337 }, myApi);
A Consumer is a wrapper around a WebSocket-client, acting as a simple object with methods, representing a provider's API.
Consumer = (address, options, methods) => object
- a string to a websocket address (e.g. ws://localhost:1337
- WebSocket-options (see ws)
- an array of method names of the remote's API (you don't need this - an automatic discovery is built in)
const { Consumer } = require('ws-remote-fn');
const remote = Consumer('ws://localhost:1337');
const something = await remote.myFunction(123, 'foobar');