A dynamically typed, functional-first, object-oriented, concurrent, general-purpose, embeddable scripting and programming language (for dotnet core 2.0).
CoreScript is written in F# (www.fsharp.org).
Documentation (in progress)
see Script-Folder
As easy as it can be with .net core:
Install dotnet core 2.0 (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-US/dotnet/core/).
- Download or clone this repository.
- open a terminal and goto
- folder - run
dotnet build
- verify installation
- run
dotnet test ../Test
- will run the NUnit - test -project - run
dotnet run Script/all-tests.cor
- will run the corescript-tests
- run
To create the executable use dotnet publish
(see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-US/dotnet/core/tools/dotnet-publish?tabs=netcore2x)
- Parser: Alpha-State
- Interpreter: Alpha-State
- Runtime: in development
- JIT-Compiler: not started (currently syntax-tree-interpreter only)
Bit-Operations via Operatorsfile path handling forimport
- Runtime
- Http
- request-method fot HTTP-clients
- Strings
- match-method (regular expressions)
- format-method (like sprintf)
- support other encodings than UTF-8
- Assert-Module: implement more than just
assert(<true/false>, <error message>)
(e.g. equal, notEqual, throws, etc.) - Buffer-Module
Console-Module- Crypto-Module
- Date-Module
- JSON/XML-Serialization-Modules
- Streams-Module
- Supervisor-Module (to control agents)
- ZLib-Module
- Http
- Packaging and importing modules via NuGet (or other?)
- JIT-compilation via MSIL
- WebAssembly backend
- C/C++-FFI
A tmLanguage-Definition is included in this repository for Visual Studio Code.
For now, you can simply copy&paste the corescript-0.1-folder into you VSCode-Extensions folder.
I'd be very happy about any contributions to the project, as long as these rules are followed:
- for now, F# only
- no further dependencies
- target dotnet core 2.0
- add test
This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License