A plethora of techniques has been proposed for Schema Matching, Entity Linking and Geospatial Interlinking. To facilitate their use by researchers and practitioners, in the context of Tasks 3.1 and 3.2, we developed pyJedAI, an open-source library that leverages Python’s data science ecosystem to build powerful end-to-end workflows for these tasks. We have publicly released the source code of pyJedAI at https://github.com/AI-team-UoA/pyJedAI under Apache License V2.0, which supports both academic and commercial applications.
All releases from 0.0.2 to 0.1.3 have been developed in the context of STELAR, following Deliverable Software Requirements.
Website: A website has been created, providing documentation to STELARs partners and to the open-source community.
Link: https://pyjedai.readthedocs.io
JedAIToolkit re-implemented in pyJedAI
Components source code:
Tutorials showing blocking based workflows: