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Releases: stefangabos/Zebra_TransForm


15 May 09:10
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  • minor maintenance update


12 Feb 12:51
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  • added the update method for updating styling after a checkbox or radio button's status is manually updated


09 Aug 07:19
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  • performance improvements and source code tweaks
  • new folder structure
  • the home of the plugin is now exclusively on GitHub
  • files required in the build process are not included anymore when installing via npm nor when downloading from GitHub

Version 2.4.5 released

26 Jan 08:33
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Version 2.4.4 released

20 Jan 09:35
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Better integration with Bower

Version 2.4.3 released

16 Jan 20:34
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  • fixed an issue within the bower.json file

Version 2.4.2 released

16 Jan 20:16
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  • the library now behaves correctly upon clicking a form's "reset" button; thanks to Dan for suggesting this
  • fixed a bug where resizing the window would render all transformed elements unusable
  • some minor code optimizations
  • the library is now available as a Bower package
  • added integration with Grunt for automating JSHint & Uglify processes

Version 2.4.1 released!

16 Aug 17:15
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  • fixed a bug introduced in the previous list where resizing the window would brake the plugin;
  • fixed an older bug where event handlers were attached to the original element over and over again upon the updates that occur when the window is resized;
  • dropped the "update" public method;
  • added a new "remove" public method, used for reverting replaced elements to their initial state;
  • performance tweaks and code refactoring;
  • updated source code so JSHint is now (almost completely) happy;

Version 2.4.0 released!

24 Jul 21:08
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  • fixed a bug introduced in the previous version due to which event handlers attached to the original elements got lost when replaced by the plugin;
  • fixed a bug where event handlers attached by the user were executed before the event handlers attached by the plugin - this was especially troublesome with radio buttons and checkboxes where if one had an event handler for the click event for checking the state of the element, the response was always incorrect;
  • fixed an issue where the selected value of a drop-down text would wrap if there was not enough space for it to fit in;
  • fixed an issue where the selected value of a drop-down text would go under the drop-down's "arrow" if it was too long;
  • fixed another bug introduced in the previous release where radio buttons and checkboxes having right or top margin were not correctly replaced;
  • fixed a few things as indicated by JSFiddle's JSHint; thanks to Alex Alexandrescu for suggesting;
  • increased overall performance;
  • changed the look of the select box so it should now be more obvious that select boxes can be styled; thanks Sebastian Popa for suggesting;
  • minimum required jQuery version is now 1.7.1;