this repo include scripts to connect your legacy systems like router, linux server, etc. to IOT network, so you can control them use mobile/desktop iot clients.
leverage the open-sourced mqtt client mosquitto-pub/sub, bash and awk scripts, we can put these all together to form a flow to interact with remote iot brokers.
│ legacy machine │
│ │
│ │
│ ┌─────────────┐pipe ┌───────────┐pipe ┌─────────────┐ │
│ │mosquitto_sub├────────►│awk scripts├────────►│mosquitto_pub│ │
│ └─┬───────────┘ └───────────┘ └───────┬─────┘ │
│ │ │ │
│ │
│ │
│ ┌─────────────────┐ │
│ │ mqtt server │ │
└──────────►└─────────────────┘ ◄──────────────────┘
mqtts connection
the configure files located in /etc/mqtt:
id=xxxx #uniq mqtt client id used to connect to mqtt server. this client also subscribe to command/{id} and publish event to reply/{id}
certfile=xx #cafile, certfile, keyfile used to auth the client,use client certification authrization methods #domain name or ip this client connect to, use the standard mqtts port:8883
cmd.awk implements logic to parse mqtt message and call system commands ,then output result in json format, like this:
if (cmd=="reboot") {
system (line)
res=res"\"sys\": \"rebooting\""
following commands have been implemented:
- reboot system
- check uptime
- check disk usage
- get ipv6 address
- turn on/off wifi
- start other service
pre requirements
install mosquitto-clients package using os-specific package manager install gawk manually instead of traditional awk on openwrt .
run as system service
please refer to the system guide on how to registe a system service. the dirs linux and openwrt are implements to make our iot connector a system service.
we can leverage public mqtt server self-hosted, by simply install mosquitto. the only should be noted is we must use client-cerfication plus ssl instead of plain user/password, for security reasons.
there are so many mobile mqtt clients. I choose mqtt-dash, please read following link to see how to configure mqtt-dash:,use.%20You%20can%20download%20it%20in%20Google%20Play.
use the convenient mobile mqtt clients, we can control the system remotely with just a click