This is a collection of Python and Cython tools for processing CCG. It contains a pretrained parser, efficient loading of trees, A* search, latex style files, visualization, extraction of semantic dependencies, evaluation scripts etc. It is not very polished but you may find it useful. Probably the most interesting part to play with is a colab notebook for interactive parsing and visualiztion (see below).
To install the full parser run
pip install "ccgtools[parser]@git+"
To install just the tools for building and evaluating parsers run
pip install "ccgtools@git+"
All pretrained models have preffix "pretrained:" and will be automatically downloaded when needed. The list of available models is available here.
After the pip line above is exectued there are several commands that will be available on the PATH:
, ccg-parser
, ccg-supertagger
and ccg-train
If you run them with --help
flag they will provide the usage directions.
There are two notebooks included in the repository:
- demo.ipynb
that shows how to use the provided parser, different ways of visualizing derivations, extraction of semantic dependencies, and extraction of logical representation. It can take a couple of minutes for the Colab to install all the necessary dependencies, but after that is done everything should be fast.
- processing_effort.ipynb
computes processing effort predictions for different CCG derivation trees. This follows descriptions from the papers that relate CCG parsing effort to brain activity (paper 1 and paper 2).
Miloš Stanojević [email protected]