Releases: staceybellerose/RandomWordGenerator
Releases · staceybellerose/RandomWordGenerator
New Features
- Added many new dictionaries to choose from: see Settings for list
- Option to display random words in two columns
- Added ability to copy individual words as well as the full list
- Added details about each word list (source, word count, entropy available)
- Added optional filtering of vulgar words to all word lists
- Added Android SDK 26 support
- Upgraded third-party libraries
- Increased performance of reading word lists
- Major code refactoring
- Added automatic code quality checks from BetterCodeHub, Sider, Snyk, and Travis CI
New Product Flavors
- Full Flavor: Entire word list is available for display
- Clean Flavor: Does not display vulgar words
Each flavor produces a separate APK, so they can be installed side-by-side if desired.
Added Features
- Application Settings screen to manage preferences
- Choose maximum and minimum word lengths
- Choose the number of words to display
- Option to only display non-vulgar words (in Full flavor)
Bug Fix
- Keep current word list when rotating screen
- Update build tools and add code quality checks
- Resolve issues identified by code quality tools
Bug Fixes
- Patch random number generator to have high entropy seed, per Google's Android Developer Blog
- Fix memory leak reported by LeakCanary
v1.0 Initial Release
Update README with correct year for copyright :)