Morph face images from different viewpoint to produce enhanced face
Example results are shown in 'results/' folder.
This tool requires a set of five images to be stored in the folder. The image is assumed to be of resolution 300x300
Note: The tool needs the dlib's default face landmark model file(shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat). This can be downloaded from here The landmark model file should be extracted and saved in the main directory 'ImageMorphing/'
#Usage: To run the tool, python /path_to_txt_file_containing_the_five_images.txt
An example set of images are there in "face_db_1" and "face_db_2" The txt file indicating their location is inputs_1.txt and inputs_2.txt
#Example python -i -i inputs_1.txt python -i -i inputs_2.txt
#Result: A window with the morphed face will be displayed.