Tags: sravani-64/sunbird-devops
Issue #IQ-263 feat: added ansible role for functional test (project-s… …unbird#3780)
Fix typo (project-sunbird#3755) * Fix typo * Fix: remove hardcoded https
Sunbird installation issue fixes (project-sunbird#3746) * removed questionset-publish from KP flink job list * updated keycloak provision role * removed enc-service upstream * changed the order of mail server vars * updated the order of graylog and log-es hosts
ED-1173 OfflineInstaller deploy job fix (project-sunbird#3721) * updated electronuserland/builder tag form wine to 16-wine * added npm update command for electronuserland/builder:16-wine
Merge pull request project-sunbird#3717 from AmiableAnil/release-5.2.… …0-knowlg Issue #KN-427 chore: Merge release-5.1.0 to release-5.2.0-knowlg
adding oci-cli in bootstrap and Jenkins job template (project-sunbird… …#3715)
Update youtube api key for content service (project-sunbird#3714)
Issue #SB-31182 fix: Added the youtube validation related config. (pr… …oject-sunbird#3708)
Merge pull request project-sunbird#3702 from prasadmoka/local-5.1.0 ED-621:updated configurations for release-5.1.0
updated vdn jenkins jobs and inventory (project-sunbird#3703)