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Samir Paul committed May 25, 2022
1 parent 4664254 commit 8471ee2
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Showing 8 changed files with 315 additions and 1 deletion.
87 changes: 87 additions & 0 deletions 09_Matrix/Check if a word exists in a grid or
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@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@

Given a 2D grid of characters and a word, the task is to check if that word exists in the grid or not. A word can be matched in 4 directions at any point.
The 4 directions are, Horizontally Left and Right, Vertically Up and Down.

r = 4
c = 4

# Function to check if a word exists
# in a grid starting from the first
# match in the grid level: index till
# which pattern is matched x, y: current
# position in 2D array
def findmatch(mat, pat, x, y,
nrow, ncol, level) :

l = len(pat)

# Pattern matched
if (level == l) :
return True

# Out of Boundary
if (x < 0 or y < 0 or
x >= nrow or y >= ncol) :
return False

# If grid matches with a letter
# while recursion
if (mat[x][y] == pat[level]) :

# Marking this cell as visited
temp = mat[x][y]
mat[x].replace(mat[x][y], "#")

# finding subpattern in 4 directions
res = (findmatch(mat, pat, x - 1, y, nrow, ncol, level + 1) |
findmatch(mat, pat, x + 1, y, nrow, ncol, level + 1) |
findmatch(mat, pat, x, y - 1, nrow, ncol, level + 1) |
findmatch(mat, pat, x, y + 1, nrow, ncol, level + 1))

# marking this cell as unvisited again
mat[x].replace(mat[x][y], temp)
return res

else : # Not matching then false
return False

# Function to check if the word
# exists in the grid or not
def checkMatch(mat, pat, nrow, ncol) :

l = len(pat)

# if total characters in matrix is
# less then pattern length
if (l > nrow * ncol) :
return False

# Traverse in the grid
for i in range(nrow) :
for j in range(ncol) :

# If first letter matches, then
# recur and check
if (mat[i][j] == pat[0]) :
if (findmatch(mat, pat, i, j,
nrow, ncol, 0)) :
return True
return False

# Driver Code
if __name__ == "__main__" :

grid = ["axmy", "bgdf",
"xeet", "raks"]

# Function to check if word
# exists or not
if (checkMatch(grid, "geeks", r, c)) :
else :

# This code is contributed by Ryuga
87 changes: 87 additions & 0 deletions 09_Matrix/Search a Word in a 2D Grid of
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@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@

# Python3 program to search a word in a 2D grid
class GFG:

def __init__(self):
self.R = None
self.C = None
self.dir = [[-1, 0], [1, 0], [1, 1],
[1, -1], [-1, -1], [-1, 1],
[0, 1], [0, -1]]

# This function searches in all 8-direction
# from point(row, col) in grid[][]
def search2D(self, grid, row, col, word):

# If first character of word doesn't match
# with the given starting point in grid.
if grid[row][col] != word[0]:
return False

# Search word in all 8 directions
# starting from (row, col)
for x, y in self.dir:

# Initialize starting point
# for current direction
rd, cd = row + x, col + y
flag = True

# First character is already checked,
# match remaining characters
for k in range(1, len(word)):

# If out of bound or not matched, break
if (0 <= rd <self.R and
0 <= cd < self.C and
word[k] == grid[rd][cd]):

# Moving in SAME particular direction
rd += x
cd += y
flag = False

# If all character matched, then
# value of flag must be false
if flag:
return True
return False

# Searches given word in a given matrix
# in all 8 directions
def patternSearch(self, grid, word):

# Rows and columns in given grid
self.R = len(grid)
self.C = len(grid[0])

# Consider every point as starting point
# and search given word
for row in range(self.R):
for col in range(self.C):
if self.search2D(grid, row, col, word):
print("pattern found at " +
str(row) + ', ' + str(col))

# Driver Code
if __name__=='__main__':
gfg = GFG()
gfg.patternSearch(grid, 'GEEKS')
gfg.patternSearch(grid, 'EEE')

# This code is contributed by Yezheng Li

Time complexity: O(R*C*8*len(str)).
All the cells will be visited and traversed in all 8 directions, where R and C is side of matrix so time complexity is O(R*C).
Auxiliary Space: O(1). As no extra space is needed.
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions 16_String/06. Longest Common
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class Solution:
def longestCommonPrefix(self, strs: List[str]) -> str:
res = ""
for i in range(len(strs[0])):
for st in strs:
if i == len(st) or strs[0][i] != st[i]:
return res
res += strs[0][i]

return res

27 changes: 27 additions & 0 deletions 17_Bit-Manipulation/11. Power Set using Bit
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say p is total numer of power sets. In binary form 1 to p if we select
letter of position where 1 bit then we get all the combinations.
Then sort the result.

class Solution:
def AllPossibleStrings(self, s):
# Code here
n = len(s)
p = 2 ** n # total number of power sets
res = []
for i in range(1, p):
tmp = ''
for j in range(n):
if i & (1 << j):
tmp += s[j]

return sorted(res)

# Time: O(2^n * n)
# Space: O(n)

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -52,4 +52,12 @@ def erase(self, word): # Dele te function
toBeDeleted = None
cur.endOfWordCount -= 1

# It will also work if we don't delete the node only decrease the counts
def erase(self, word): # Dele te function
cur = self.root
for c in word: # as it a delete function so word is present in trie so we don't need to check if key 'c' present in children hashmap or not.
cur = cur.children[c]
cur.prefixOfWordCount -= 1

cur.endOfWordCount -= 1
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@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@

Insert all the elements of nums in a trie with bit values in respective position.
where every node can have 2 children either with 0 key or 1 key.
As XOR is a inequality detector so we try to maximize the inequality between num and node.
So that the XOR of num and value of node will give the max value.
So we do the following steps While traversing the num from 31'th bit position to 0'th bit position:
If the current bit of num is 1 then we try to move the cur pointer towards the child with 0 key.
And if the current bit of num is 0 then we try to move the cur pointer towards the child with 1 key.

class TrieNode:
def __init__(self):
self.children = {}
self.val = -1 # used to store the value of entire number at the end of trie node

class Trie:
def __init__(self):
self.root = TrieNode() # object of trienode class

def addNum(self, num):
cur = self.root # every time start from root
for i in range(31, -1, -1):
bit = 1 if num & (1 << i) else 0 # bit value i'th position of num
if bit not in cur.children:
cur.children[bit] = TrieNode()
cur = cur.children[bit]
cur.val = num # storing the value of entire num at the end of trie node

class Solution:
def findMaximumXOR(self, nums: List[int]) -> int:
trie = Trie() # creating object of Trie class
for num in nums: # adding all num to the trie structure

res = 0
for num in nums:
cur = trie.root # every time start cur pointer from root
for i in range(31, -1, -1):
bit = 1 if num & (1 << i) else 0 # bit value of i'th position of num
if bit == 1: # try to move towards opposite key ie. 0
if 0 in cur.children: # opposit key 0 exist then defenetly go towards the child 0
cur = cur.children[0]
else: # opposit key 0 not exist so we have only option to go towards what we have ie. 1
cur = cur.children[1]
else: # bit == 0 # try to move towards opposite key ie. 1
if 1 in cur.children: # opposit key 1 exist then defenetly go towards the child 1
cur = cur.children[1]
else: # opposit key 1 not exist so we have only option to go towards what we have ie. 0
cur = cur.children[0]
# as we tried to maximize the inequality between cur.val and num so XOR of them will give max value
res = max(res, cur.val ^ num)

return res

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class TrieNode:
def __init__(self):
self.children = {}

class Trie:
def __init__(self):
self.root = TrieNode()
def solve(self, s):
res = 0
for i in range(len(s)):
cur = self.root
for j in range(i, len(s)):
if s[j] not in cur.children:
cur.children[s[j]] = TrieNode()
res += 1
cur = cur.children[s[j]]
return res + 1 # +1 for empty substring ""

def countDistinctSubstrings(s):
trie = Trie()
return trie.solve(s)

# Time: O(N^2)
# Space: It is hard to predict spcace taken tries. It depends on the distinct elements of s. But as we are using only necessary keys in trie hashmap not all 26 keys so at max space can be N^2
# Space: in worst case O(N^2)

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