Middleman app for the Spreedly Engineering Blog loosely based on the Drops middleman template.
To configure and run the app locally:
$ gem install bundler
$ bundle
$ bundle exec middleman
Then open http://localhost:4567 in your browser to view the site or write/design for the site.
This is part of the larger Engineering Blog program process
To create a new post, create a new file in the source/blog
directory. Name it using dasherized form of the title. This will become the URL path so it should be contain the major keywords for the article.
$ touch source/blog/my-blog-title.html.md
You'll need the .html.md
at the end of that command. Without it, the post won't show up.
In the post, add this front matter to the top of the file, and add your content below it:
title: Programming Puzzles Are Not the Answer
author: Ryan Daigle
author_email: [email protected]
author_url: https://twitter.com/rwdaigle
date: 2016-06-10
tags: hiring
next_label: Want to understand more about the philosophy that got us thinking about work samples in the first place?
next_path: /blog/stop-hazing-your-potential-hires.html
*A guide to creating fair and effective hiring work samples.*
It’s a common topic of discussion amongst technical organizations that the traditional, in-person,
You can preview the post locally using the "Install" instructions above.
Assumes the Heroku Toolbelt is installed and authenticated
If you've never deployed to Heroku before, you'll need to setup the Heroku git remote first. From the project directory:
$ heroku git:remote -a spreedly-engineering-staging -r staging
$ heroku git:remote -a spreedly-engineering -r prod
When you're ready to deploy, you can run this:
$ git push staging master
To view the staging docs go to http://spreedly-engineering-staging.herokuapp.com/, or invoke $ heroku open -r staging
This is the same as deploying to staging, except the command looks like this:
$ git push prod master
After deploying, the site should then be visible at https://engineering.spreedly.com.