Send out Spreedly's GitHub activity on a daily basis. This one repo powers two digests - the devdigest and the opsdigest (detailed further below)
To setup the app locally, copy the sample config (and make appropriate edits for secrets, dev addresses etc...):
$ cp .env.sample .env
Then use heroku local
to load up the env and run one of the rake tasks:
$ heroku local:run bundle exec rake digest
Assumes you are a collaborator on the spreedly-devdigest
and spreedly-opsdigest
Heroku app
In order for the heroku
CLI to run, you need to have the heroku
git remote configured locally. Do so with:
$ heroku git:remote -a spreedly-devdigest -r devdigest
$ heroku git:remote -a spreedly-opsdigest -r opsdigest
To deploy a new version, simply use git push
to the correct remote:
$ git push devdigest master
$ git push opsdigest master
The digest is a ruby script that uses the Github API to list all commits for specific repositories. You must tell the digest which repos to monitor.
To add a new repo to monitor (switch both -r devdigest
flags if you need to make an opsdigest change):
$ heroku config:set GITHUB_REPOS="`heroku config:get GITHUB_REPOS -r devdigest`,new-repo-name" -r devdigest
The app on Heroku is configured to send out an email once per weekday. To manually invoke this task you can run:
$ heroku run bundle exec rake daily_email -r devdigest
If you want to see the (markdown) contents of the digest email without sending an email:
$ heroku run bundle exec rake digest -r devdigest