A BETA crystal implementation of artifactory-client
Add the dependency to your
:dependencies: artifactory: github: spoved/artifactory.cr
shards install
require "artifactory"
Before you can make a request, you must give Artifactory your connection information.
Artifactory.configure do |config|
# The endpoint for the Artifactory server. If you are running the "default"
# Artifactory installation using tomcat, don't forget to include the
# +/artifactoy+ part of the URL.
config.endpoint = 'https://my.storage.server/artifactory'
# The basic authentication information. Since this uses HTTP Basic Auth, it
# is highly recommended that you run Artifactory over SSL.
config.username = 'admin'
config.password = 'password'
# You can also use an API key for authentication, username and password
# take precedence so leave them off if you are using an API key.
config.api_key = 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'
# You can also use an API Access Token for authentication. This will be
# added to request headers as the Bearer token.
config.access_token = "aaaa.bbbb.cccc"
# Speaking of SSL, you can specify the path to a pem file with your custom
# certificates and the gem will wire it all up for you (NOTE: it must be a
# valid PEM file).
config.ssl_pem_file = '/path/to/my.pem'
# Or if you are feelying frisky, you can always disable SSL verification
config.ssl_verify = false
Or, if you want to be really Unixy, these parameters are all configurable via environment variables:
# Artifactory will use these values for the defaults
export ARTIFACTORY_ENDPOINT=http://my.storage.server/artifactory
export ARTIFACTORY_ACCESS_TOKEN=aaaa.bbbb.cccc
export ARTIFACTORY_SSL_PEM_FILE=/path/to/my.pem
# Upload an artifact to a repository whose key is 'repo_key'
artifact.upload('/local/path/to/file', 'repo_key', param_1: 'foo')
# Search for an artifact by name
artifact = Artifact.search(name: 'package.deb').first
artifact #=> "#<Artifactory::Resource::Artifact md5: 'ABCD1234'>"
# Get the properties of an artifact
artifact.md5 #=> "ABCD1234"
artifact.properties #=> { ... }
# Set the properties of an artifact
artifact.properties({prop1: 'value1', 'prop2': 'value2'}) #=> { ... }
# Delete the artifact from the Artifactory server
artifact.delete #=> true
- Fork it (https://github.com/spoved/artifactory.cr/fork)
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create a new Pull Request
- Holden Omans - creator and maintainer