Release 2008-10-21
Github repo:
Shawn Poulson,
MAPI command line tools to set Outlook address list search path and default address list.
As explained in my blog post:
- It's a name for a couple command line tools for Outlook written to fulfill a need and I couldn't think of a name.
- Included are two command line tools:
- MAPIAddrListSearch: Sets the Outlook address list search list for name resolution when sending emails.
- MAPIDefaultAddressList: Sets the default address list when opening the address book.
MAPI Schmappy tools were tested under the following environment:
- Exchange Server 2003
- Outlook 2000
- Windows XP SP3
- Using Visual Studio 2010, 2008, or 2005, open the corresponding solution file in the repository root. (e.g. MAPI Schmappy-vs2010.sln)
- Build as appropriate the platform and configuration.
- Executables will be found in Debug/Release configuration directories for Win32. There will be additional x64 subdirectory containing x64 executables.
- These tools are known to not work properly under some environments running newer versions of Exchange and/or Outlook.
Unless otherwise attributed, these works are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution license: