UI Tests #43
10 errors and 1 notice
1) [jupyterlab] › test/jupyterlab/windowed-notebook.test.ts:84:5 › should not update height when hiding
Error: expect(received).toEqual(expected) // deep equality
Expected: 2507
Received: 4240
104 | const innerHeight = await getInnerHeight(notebook!);
105 |
> 106 | expect(innerHeight).toEqual(initialHeight);
| ^
107 | });
108 |
109 | test('should hide first inactive code cell when scrolling down', async ({
at /home/runner/work/jupyterlab/jupyterlab/galata/test/jupyterlab/windowed-notebook.test.ts:106:23
1) [jupyterlab] › test/jupyterlab/windowed-notebook.test.ts:84:5 › should not update height when hiding
Retry #1 ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Error: expect(received).toEqual(expected) // deep equality
Expected: 2507
Received: 4240
104 | const innerHeight = await getInnerHeight(notebook!);
105 |
> 106 | expect(innerHeight).toEqual(initialHeight);
| ^
107 | });
108 |
109 | test('should hide first inactive code cell when scrolling down', async ({
at /home/runner/work/jupyterlab/jupyterlab/galata/test/jupyterlab/windowed-notebook.test.ts:106:23
2) [galata] › test/galata/fixture.spec.ts:38:7 › mockSettings › should not return mocked settings after save
Error: expect(received).toEqual(expected) // deep equality
Expected: "JupyterLab Light"
Received: "JupyterLab Dark"
54 | expect(((await response.json()) as any).raw).toMatch(/JupyterLab Light/);
55 |
> 56 | expect(await page.theme.getTheme()).toEqual('JupyterLab Light');
| ^
57 | });
58 | });
59 |
at /home/runner/work/jupyterlab/jupyterlab/galata/test/galata/fixture.spec.ts:56:41
3) [jupyterlab] › test/jupyterlab/metadataform.test.ts:391:7 › Default metadata without "showModified" flag › should not display the modified field
Error: "apiRequestContext.fetch: Target page, context or browser has been closed
Call log:
- → GET http://localhost:8888/api/sessions?1736264293369
- user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) HeadlessChrome/130.0.6723.31 Safari/537.36
- accept: */*
- accept-encoding: gzip,deflate,br
- accept-language: en-US
- content-type: application/json
- cookie: username-localhost-8888="2|1:0|10:1736264289|23:username-localhost-8888|200:eyJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ICI2NzAxNWNmYzJmYTg0OWJiOGYzMWQ2MmYxMTNlZTdkYiIsICJuYW1lIjogIkFub255bW91cyBQYXNpcGhhZSIsICJkaXNwbGF5X25hbWUiOiAiQW5vbnltb3VzIFBhc2lwaGFlIiwgImluaXRpYWxzIjogIkFQIiwgImNvbG9yIjogbnVsbH0=|25395a099f99ad112e9ba84d3bd0c3aacea32e19f5b089261961c13c4c166fc0"; _xsrf=2|4f8023ae|1768b9efc52318ec9fcb5de4caca8aef|1736264289
- referer: http://localhost:8888/lab/tree/metadataform-test/code_notebook.ipynb
- x-xsrftoken: 2|4f8023ae|1768b9efc52318ec9fcb5de4caca8aef|1736264289
- sec-ch-ua: "Chromium";v="130", "HeadlessChrome";v="130", "Not?A_Brand";v="99"
- sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0
- sec-ch-ua-platform: "Linux"
" while running route callback.
Consider awaiting `await page.unrouteAll({ behavior: 'ignoreErrors' })`
before the end of the test to ignore remaining routes in flight.
at src/galata.ts:891
889 | } else {
890 | // Proxy the GET request
> 891 | const response = await ctxt.request.fetch(request);
| ^
892 | if (!response.ok()) {
893 | if (!page.isClosed() && !isClosed) {
894 | return route.fulfill({
at /home/runner/work/jupyterlab/jupyterlab/galata/src/galata.ts:891:51
4) [jupyterlab] › test/jupyterlab/notebook-scroll-no-windowing.test.ts:181:7 › Notebook scroll on execution (no windowing) › should scroll when advancing if top is only marginally visible
Error: Timed out 5000ms waiting for expect(locator).toBeInViewport()
Locator: getByRole('main').locator('[role="tabpanel"][id="id-650280ad-a207-4fae-abc8-9439d879fd81"]').locator('.jp-NotebookPanel-notebook').first().locator('.jp-Cell[data-windowed-list-index="2"]')
Expected: in viewport
Received: outside viewport
Call log:
- expect.toBeInViewport with timeout 5000ms
- waiting for getByRole('main').locator('[role="tabpanel"][id="id-650280ad-a207-4fae-abc8-9439d879fd81"]').locator('.jp-NotebookPanel-notebook').first().locator('.jp-Cell[data-windowed-list-index="2"]')
- locator resolved to <div tabindex="0" data-windowed-list-index="2" aria-label="Code Cell Content with Output" class="lm-Widget jp-Cell jp-CodeCell jp-Notebook-cell jp-mod-selected jp-mod-active">…</div>
- unexpected value "viewport ratio 0.009747706353664398"
- locator resolved to <div tabindex="0" data-windowed-list-index="2" aria-label="Code Cell Content with Output" class="lm-Widget jp-Cell jp-CodeCell jp-Notebook-cell jp-mod-selected jp-mod-active">…</div>
- unexpected value "viewport ratio 0.009747706353664398"
- locator resolved to <div tabindex="0" data-windowed-list-index="2" aria-label="Code Cell Content with Output" class="lm-Widget jp-Cell jp-CodeCell jp-Notebook-cell jp-mod-selected jp-mod-active">…</div>
- unexpected value "viewport ratio 0.009747706353664398"
- locator resolved to <div tabindex="0" data-windowed-list-index="2" aria-label="Code Cell Content with Output" class="lm-Widget jp-Cell jp-CodeCell jp-Notebook-cell jp-mod-selected jp-mod-active">…</div>
- unexpected value "viewport ratio 0.009747706353664398"
- locator resolved to <div tabindex="0" data-windowed-list-index="2" aria-label="Code Cell Content with Output" class="lm-Widget jp-Cell jp-CodeCell jp-Notebook-cell jp-mod-selected jp-mod-active">…</div>
- unexpected value "viewport ratio 0.009747706353664398"
- locator resolved to <div tabindex="0" data-windowed-list-index="2" aria-label="Code Cell Content with Output" class="lm-Widget jp-Cell jp-CodeCell jp-Notebook-cell jp-mod-selected jp-mod-active">…</div>
- unexpected value "viewport ratio 0.009747706353664398"
- locator resolved to <div tabindex="0" data-windowed-list-index="2" aria-label="Code Cell Content with Output" class="lm-Widget jp-Cell jp-CodeCell jp-Notebook-cell jp-mod-selected jp-mod-active">…</div>
- unexpected value "viewport ratio 0.009747706353664398"
- locator resolved to <div tabindex="0" data-windowed-list-index="2" aria-label="Code Cell Content with Output" class="lm-Widget jp-Cell jp-CodeCell jp-Notebook-cell jp-mod-selected jp-mod-active">…</div>
- unexpected value "viewport ratio 0.009747706353664398"
- locator resolved to <div tabindex="0" data-windowed-list-index="2" aria-label="Code Cell Content with Output" class="lm-Widget jp-Cell jp-CodeCell jp-Notebook-cell jp-mod-selected jp-mod-active">…</div>
- unexpected value "viewport ratio 0.009747706353664398"
201 |
202 | // After running the second cell, the third cell should be revealed, in at least 10%
> 203 | await expect(thirdCell!).toBeInViewport({ ratio: 0.1 });
| ^
204 |
205 | // The third cell should now occupy about half of the notebook viewport
206 | expect(await notebookViewportRatio(notebook!, thirdCell!)).toBeGreaterThan(
at /home/runner/work/jupyterlab/jupyterlab/galata/test/jupyterlab/notebook-scroll-no-windowing.test.ts:203:30
5) [jupyterlab] › test/jupyterlab/windowed-notebook.test.ts:401:5 › should display cells below on scrolling after inserting a cell on top
Test timeout of 60000ms exceeded.
5) [jupyterlab] › test/jupyterlab/windowed-notebook.test.ts:401:5 › should display cells below on scrolling after inserting a cell on top
Error: locator.waitFor: Test timeout of 60000ms exceeded.
Call log:
- waiting for getByRole('main').locator('[role="tabpanel"][id="id-1d861ee6-f190-4c6f-86a0-747075368ccd"]').locator('.jp-NotebookPanel-notebook').first().locator('.jp-Cell[data-windowed-list-index="18"]') to be visible
- locator resolved to hidden <div tabindex="-1" data-windowed-list-index="18" aria-label="Code Cell Content" class="lm-Widget jp-Cell jp-CodeCell jp-Notebook-cell jp-mod-noOutputs">…</div>
- locator resolved to hidden <div tabindex="-1" data-windowed-list-index="18" aria-label="Code Cell Content" class="lm-Widget jp-Cell jp-CodeCell jp-Notebook-cell jp-mod-noOutputs">…</div>
- locator resolved to hidden <div tabindex="-1" data-windowed-list-index="18" aria-label="Code Cell Content" class="lm-Widget jp-Cell jp-CodeCell jp-Notebook-cell jp-mod-noOutputs">…</div>
- locator resolved to hidden <div tabindex="-1" data-windowed-list-index="18" aria-label="Code Cell Content" class="lm-Widget jp-Cell jp-CodeCell jp-Notebook-cell jp-mod-noOutputs">…</div>
- locator resolved to hidden <div tabindex="-1" data-windowed-list-index="18" aria-label="Code Cell Content" class="lm-Widget jp-Cell jp-CodeCell jp-Notebook-cell jp-mod-noOutputs">…</div>
- locator resolved to hidden <div tabindex="-1" data-windowed-list-index="18" aria-label="Code Cell Content" class="lm-Widget jp-Cell jp-CodeCell jp-Notebook-cell jp-mod-noOutputs">…</div>
- locator resolved to hidden <div tabindex="-1" data-windowed-list-index="18" aria-label="Code Cell Content" class="lm-Widget jp-Cell jp-CodeCell jp-Notebook-cell jp-mod-noOutputs">…</div>
- locator resolved to hidden <div tabindex="-1" data-windowed-list-index="18" aria-label="Code Cell Content" class="lm-Widget jp-Cell jp-CodeCell jp-Notebook-cell jp-mod-noOutputs">…</div>
- locator resolved to hidden <div tabindex="-1" data-windowed-list-index="18" aria-label="Code Cell Content" class="lm-Widget jp-Cell jp-CodeCell jp-Notebook-cell jp-mod-noOutputs">…</div>
- locator resolved to hidden <div tabindex="-1" data-windowed-list-index="18" aria-label="Code Cell Content" class="lm-Widget jp-Cell jp-CodeCell jp-Notebook-cell jp-mod-noOutputs">…</div>
- locator resolved to hidden <div tabindex="-1" data-windowed-list-index="18" aria-label="Code Cell Content" class="lm-Widget jp-Cell jp-CodeCell jp-Notebook-cell jp-mod-noOutputs">…</div>
- locator resolved to hidden <div tabindex="-1" data-windowed-list-index="18" aria-label="Code Cell Content" class="lm-Widget jp-Cell jp-CodeCell jp-Notebook-cell jp-mod-noOutputs">…</div>
- locator resolved to hidden <div tabindex="-1" data-windowed-list-index="18" aria-label="Code Cell Content" class="lm-Widget jp-Cell jp-CodeCell jp-Notebook-cell jp-mod-noOutputs">…</div>
- locator resolved to hidden <div tabindex="-1" data-windowed-list-index="18" aria-label="Code Cell Content" class="lm-Widget jp-Cell jp-CodeCell jp-Notebook-cell jp-mod-noOutputs">…</div>
- locator resolved to hidden <div tabindex="-1" data-windowed-list-index="18" aria-label="Code Cell Content" class="lm-Widget jp-Cell jp-CodeCell jp-Notebook-cell jp-mod-noOutputs">…</div>
- locator resolved to hidden <div tabindex="-1" data-windowed-list-index="18" aria-label="Code Cell Content" class="lm-Widget jp-Cell jp-CodeCell jp-Notebook-cell jp-mod-noOutputs">…</div>
- locator resolved to hidden <div tabindex="-1" data-windowed-list-index="18" aria-label="Code Cell Content" class="lm-Widget jp-Cell jp-CodeCell jp-Notebook-cell jp-mod-noOutputs">…</div>
- locator resolved to hidden <div tabindex="-1" data-windowed-list-index="18" aria-label="Code Cell Content" class="lm-Widget jp-Cell jp-CodeCell jp-Notebook-cell jp-mod-noOutputs">…</div>
- locator resolved to hidden <div tabindex="-1" data-windowed-list-index="18" aria-label="Code Cell C
6) [jupyterlab] › test/jupyterlab/windowed-notebook.test.ts:523:5 › should rendered injected HTML scripts of out-of-viewport cells
Error: expect(received).toBeGreaterThan(expected)
Expected: > 1
Received: 0
536 | expect(
537 | await page.getByText('JavaScript injected from HTML').count()
> 538 | ).toBeGreaterThan(1);
| ^
539 | });
540 |
541 | test('should rendered injected JavaScript snippets of out-of-viewport cells', async ({
at /home/runner/work/jupyterlab/jupyterlab/galata/test/jupyterlab/windowed-notebook.test.ts:538:5
7) [jupyterlab] › test/jupyterlab/workspace.test.ts:317:7 › Workspace in doc mode › should restore workspace when switching back to lab mode
Error: "apiRequestContext.fetch: Target page, context or browser has been closed
Call log:
- → POST http://localhost:8888/api/sessions?1736265605131
- user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) HeadlessChrome/130.0.6723.31 Safari/537.36
- accept: */*
- accept-encoding: gzip,deflate,br
- accept-language: en-US
- content-type: text/plain;charset=UTF-8
- cookie: username-localhost-8888="2|1:0|10:1736265600|23:username-localhost-8888|204:eyJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ICJjNGVhNWFhNTMwNDk0Yjk5OGEzNDZlMzJkMGYzZGE3NSIsICJuYW1lIjogIkFub255bW91cyBQcmF4aWRpa2UiLCAiZGlzcGxheV9uYW1lIjogIkFub255bW91cyBQcmF4aWRpa2UiLCAiaW5pdGlhbHMiOiAiQVAiLCAiY29sb3IiOiBudWxsfQ==|b7a7f13e2c92f0bfe1cbaaf899ba4acc6d99394f09bef5c0b22dad80486e8a1a"; _xsrf=2|c2ca20cf|3690f3af05be31712e5fe445138b50d0|1736265600
- origin: http://localhost:8888
- referer: http://localhost:8888/lab/tree/workspace-test/simple_notebook.ipynb
- x-xsrftoken: 2|c2ca20cf|3690f3af05be31712e5fe445138b50d0|1736265600
- sec-ch-ua: "Chromium";v="130", "HeadlessChrome";v="130", "Not?A_Brand";v="99"
- sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0
- sec-ch-ua-platform: "Linux"
- content-length: 139
" while running route callback.
Consider awaiting `await page.unrouteAll({ behavior: 'ignoreErrors' })`
before the end of the test to ignore remaining routes in flight.
at src/galata.ts:961
959 | case 'POST': {
960 | // Proxy the POST request
> 961 | const response = await ctxt.request.fetch(request);
| ^
962 | if (!response.ok()) {
963 | if (!page.isClosed() && !isClosed) {
964 | return route.fulfill({
at /home/runner/work/jupyterlab/jupyterlab/galata/src/galata.ts:961:49
Process completed with exit code 1.
1 failed
[jupyterlab] › test/jupyterlab/windowed-notebook.test.ts:84:5 › should not update height when hiding
6 flaky
[galata] › test/galata/fixture.spec.ts:38:7 › mockSettings › should not return mocked settings after save
[jupyterlab] › test/jupyterlab/metadataform.test.ts:391:7 › Default metadata without "showModified" flag › should not display the modified field
[jupyterlab] › test/jupyterlab/notebook-scroll-no-windowing.test.ts:181:7 › Notebook scroll on execution (no windowing) › should scroll when advancing if top is only marginally visible
[jupyterlab] › test/jupyterlab/windowed-notebook.test.ts:401:5 › should display cells below on scrolling after inserting a cell on top
[jupyterlab] › test/jupyterlab/windowed-notebook.test.ts:523:5 › should rendered injected HTML scripts of out-of-viewport cells
[jupyterlab] › test/jupyterlab/workspace.test.ts:317:7 › Workspace in doc mode › should restore workspace when switching back to lab mode
496 passed (33.6m)