Releases: spacetelescope/romanisim
Releases · spacetelescope/romanisim
Major Changes
- Use new unit-free CRDS reference files introduced in build 17.
What's Changed
- Update default MA table number in romanisim-make-image. by @schlafly in #191
- Update wcs interface to use pixel_to_world_values instead of non-values versions. by @schlafly in #195
- Fix floating point issues by @farkmarnum in #194
- Update for unit-free CRDS reference files. by @schlafly in #197
- fix webbpsf data download cache by @braingram in #203
- Migrate to STPSF by @schlafly in #205
New Contributors
- @farkmarnum made their first contribution in #194
Full Changelog: v0.7.0...v0.8.0
Major Changes
- Migrate to new schema for L1 and L2 files.
- Support new multi-accum tables.
- Use per-SCA throughput curves.
All Changes
- ignore cython-generated C files by @zacharyburnett in #155
- [SCSB-174] move DMS requirement <-> test correlations from
decorators toromanisim/tests/dms_requirement_tests.json
by @zacharyburnett in #146 - More doc updates by @schlafly in #156
- Add Dependabot to update github actions and pin actions to hash by @braingram in #163
- remove upper pin from
by @zacharyburnett in #167 - Remove units from roman data model outputs by @schlafly in #165
- Update romanisim to use the new L1 / L2 metadata by @schlafly in #166
- Bump actions/cache from 4.0.2 to 4.1.2 in /.github/workflows in the actions group across 1 directory by @dependabot in #170
- Change CRDS keyword names. by @schlafly in #172
- Make sure user-specified metadata isn't blown away by default metadata. by @schlafly in #174
- allow data workflows (WebbPSF + GALSIM) to be used by upstream repos for downstream testing by @zacharyburnett in #176
- Updating the MA tables in and setting the default MAtable to 4 in by @eunkyuh in #177
- RCAL-853: Allow ability to introduct velocity aberration scale factor by @stscieisenhamer in #162
- do not error out with negative scales by @stscieisenhamer in #185
- Throughput updates. by @eunkyuh in #180
- Handle cases where more than 2 billion photons enter a pixel. by @schlafly in #188
New Contributors
- @braingram made their first contribution in #163
- @eunkyuh made their first contribution in #177
- @stscieisenhamer made their first contribution in #162
Full Changelog: v0.6.1...v0.7.0
What's Changed
- Use WFI_XY_FULL as the aperture instead of WFI_CEN. by @schlafly in #126
- Document feature for generating images with all SCAs by @bmorris3 in #129
- Add frame zero effects. by @schlafly in #130
- Abstract data download step into separate reusable workflow by @zacharyburnett in #128
- Build with Numpy 2.0 by @zacharyburnett in #127
- Miscellaneous fixes following initial science validation comments. by @schlafly in #131
- Use reusable workflow from WebbPSF repository to download and cache data by @zacharyburnett in #135
- Add support for image input by @schlafly in #133
- Inject sources into L3 files by @PaulHuwe in #132
- Refactor L2 injection by @schlafly in #138
- Metadata updates for science verification. by @schlafly in #142
- L3 simulations by @PaulHuwe in #137
- Improve APT program generation interface. by @schlafly in #144
- Add romanisim-make-l3 image; refactor L3 code to support by @schlafly in #145
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.5.2...v0.6.0
What's Changed
- New source injection feature for L3 images. L3 image generation is coming in the next release.
More details
- ensure extension modules are present in built wheel by @zacharyburnett in #121
- change HTTP -> HTTPS by @zacharyburnett in #124
- Add a bounding box, but don't use it in romanisim. by @schlafly in #123
- RCAL-789: Source Injection - Level 3 by @PaulHuwe in #120
Full Changelog: v0.5.1...v0.5.2
What's changed
- The default PSF is now spatially variable, varying linearly across each detector.
- The population of metadata is more complete.
- The units have been updated following roman_datamodels / rad schemas.
- romanisim can take an APT output file to simulate an APT program.
More details
- Add variable PSF option to romanisim and make it the default. by @schlafly in #101
- Regtest maker functions by @schlafly in #102
- Fill out target metadata stanza by @schlafly in #103
- Change L2 units to DN/s reflecting changes to L2 schema in rad. by @schlafly in #104
- update actions version by @zacharyburnett in #98
- Use nlamba=1 for PSF generation in test to be a bit faster. by @schlafly in #105
- Allow SCA -1 to indicate that multiple images should be made. by @schlafly in #109
- [SCSB-145] require Python 3.10 by @zacharyburnett in #106
- Use numerical inverse to improve WCS accuracy by @schlafly in #110
- RCAL-762: Simulate APT program by @PaulHuwe in #107
- Truncate some too-long dummy metadata strings. by @schlafly in #111
- Variances should be divided by gain**2, rather than gain. by @schlafly in #114
- [CI] install
by @zacharyburnett in #116 - Convert counts to integer to avoid floating point weirdness. by @schlafly in #119
Full Changelog: v0.5.0...v0.5.1
What's Changed
- Provide position-angle instead of roll by @Skyhawk172 in #96
- Truncation support, reference file specificiation by @schlafly in #99
- Synthetic photometry by @PaulHuwe in #95
- Observation metadata by @schlafly in #100
New Contributors
- @Skyhawk172 made their first contribution in #96
Full Changelog: v0.4.0...v0.5.0
What's Changed
- Support more detailed configuration files and override reference files.
- Allow ramp fitting to use pixels marked with bad non-linearity.
- Ensure correct PSF orientation.
- Test source injection in L2 files.
- Use read_pattern instead of ma_table.
- Update install and readthedocs with 'Roman I-Sim' pronunciation and styling.
Full Changelog: v0.3...v0.4.0
What's Changed
- Ramp fitting now uses much less memory.
- Non-linearity correction now uses CRDS reference files.
- Output images now include more useful metadata.
More detailed of changes
- use new wheel index URL by @zacharyburnett in #56
- remove
--upgrade-strategy eager
to relax environment resolution by @zacharyburnett in #59 - Improve content of romanisim output files by @schlafly in #60
- Use seeds more consistently in random number generation. by @schlafly in #62
- Refactor ramp fitting code to use less memory. by @schlafly in #64
- Misc deprecation fixes and test failures. by @schlafly in #67
- RCAL-576 Initial Apt Support by @PaulHuwe in #61
- Add or improve tests for various simulator requirements. by @schlafly in #68
- Update for webbpsf 1.2.1. by @schlafly in #71
- RCAL-582 Nonlinearity CRDS Support in Simulator by @PaulHuwe in #70
- Update webbpsf data location in Jenkins. by @schlafly in #73
- Update jenkins configuration to run single threaded by @schlafly in #74
- Add test artifacts to B11 tests. by @schlafly in #72
Full Changelog: v0.2.2...v0.3.1
What's Changed
- Ramp fitting now uses much less memory.
- Non-linearity correction now uses CRDS reference files.
- Output images now include more useful metadata.
More detailed of changes
- use new wheel index URL by @zacharyburnett in #56
- remove
--upgrade-strategy eager
to relax environment resolution by @zacharyburnett in #59 - Improve content of romanisim output files by @schlafly in #60
- Use seeds more consistently in random number generation. by @schlafly in #62
- Refactor ramp fitting code to use less memory. by @schlafly in #64
- Misc deprecation fixes and test failures. by @schlafly in #67
- RCAL-576 Initial Apt Support by @PaulHuwe in #61
- Add or improve tests for various simulator requirements. by @schlafly in #68
- Update for webbpsf 1.2.1. by @schlafly in #71
- RCAL-582 Nonlinearity CRDS Support in Simulator by @PaulHuwe in #70
- Update webbpsf data location in Jenkins. by @schlafly in #73
- Update jenkins configuration to run single threaded by @schlafly in #74
- Add test artifacts to B11 tests. by @schlafly in #72
Full Changelog: v0.2.2...v0.3