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Feat/radiance reflectance and l457 (#9)
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* Query landsat imagery and add function to obtain integrated bands from hyperspectral images

* Bug in figure out Landsat-7

* Added to download ts of landsat 4, 5 and 7


Co-authored-by: Gonzalo Mateo Garcia <[email protected]>
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gonzmg88 and Gonzalo Mateo Garcia authored Jun 14, 2024
1 parent f977bb8 commit 86b2520
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Showing 6 changed files with 2,744 additions and 14 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion georeader/
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@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
__version__ = "1.1.3"
__version__ = "1.1.4"

import math
from typing import Tuple, Any, Union
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18 changes: 12 additions & 6 deletions georeader/readers/
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Expand Up @@ -9,13 +9,12 @@
* Windowed read and read and reproject in the same function (see `load_bands_bbox`)
* Creation of the image only involves reading one metadata file (`xxx.SAFE/MTD_{self.producttype}.xml`)
* Compatible with `` functions
* It reads from pyramid if possible
* It can read from the pyramid if available.
from rasterio import windows
from shapely.geometry import Polygon
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import datetime
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1067,19 +1066,26 @@ def DN_to_radiance(s2obj: S2ImageL1C, dn_data:Optional[GeoTensor]=None) -> GeoTe
by default this is applied in the S2Image class.
ToA formula from ESA:
Here they say U should be in the numerator
toaBandX = dn_dataBandX / 10000
radianceBandX = (toaBandX * cos(SZA) * solarIrradianceBandX * U) / pi
U should be:
U = 1. / (1-0.01673*cos(0.0172*(t-4)))^2
U is:
U = 1. / d^2
Where d is the Earth-Sun distance correction factor given by:
d = 1-0.01673*cos(0.0172*(t-4))
0.0172 = 360/365.256363 * np.pi/180.
t = datenum(Y,M,D) - datenum(Y,1,1) + 1;
0.01673 is the Earth eccentricity
In this function we take U from the metadata of the Sentinel-2 image. In the `reflectance` module there are functions
to obtain this factor from the date of acquisition of the image.
s2obj: s2obj where data has been read
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16 changes: 13 additions & 3 deletions georeader/readers/
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Expand Up @@ -173,6 +173,7 @@ def process_bound(poly):
def export_cube(query:gpd.GeoDataFrame, geometry:Union[Polygon, MultiPolygon],
transform:Optional[Affine]=None, crs:Optional[str]=None,
display_progress:bool=True) -> Optional[GeoTensor]:
Expand All @@ -188,6 +189,7 @@ def export_cube(query:gpd.GeoDataFrame, geometry:Union[Polygon, MultiPolygon],
Defaults to None.
crs (Optional[str], optional): crs of the geometry. If None it will use the crs of the first image. Defaults to None.
dtype_dst (Optional[str], optional): dtype of the output GeoTensor. Defaults to None.
bands_gee (Optional[List[str]], optional): List of bands to export. If None it will use the bands_gee column in the query. Defaults to None.
crs_polygon (_type_, optional): crs of the geometry. Defaults to "EPSG:4326".
display_progress (bool, optional): Display progress bar. Defaults to False.
Expand All @@ -200,7 +202,9 @@ def export_cube(query:gpd.GeoDataFrame, geometry:Union[Polygon, MultiPolygon],
return None

# Check required columns
required_columns = ["gee_id", "collection_name", "bands_gee"]
required_columns = ["gee_id", "collection_name"]
if bands_gee is None:
if not all([col in query.columns for col in required_columns]):
raise ValueError(f"Columns {required_columns} are required in the query dataframe")

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -231,11 +235,17 @@ def export_cube(query:gpd.GeoDataFrame, geometry:Union[Polygon, MultiPolygon],
def process_query_image(tuple_row):
_, image = tuple_row
asset_id = f'{image["collection_name"]}/{image["gee_id"]}'
geotensor = export_image_getpixels(asset_id, geometry, proj, image["bands_gee"], crs_polygon=crs_polygon, dtype_dst=dtype_dst)
if bands_gee is None:
bands_gee_iter = image["bands_gee"]
bands_gee_iter = bands_gee
geotensor = export_image_getpixels(asset_id, geometry, proj, bands_gee_iter,
crs_polygon=crs_polygon, dtype_dst=dtype_dst)
return geotensor

with ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor:
geotensor_list = list(tqdm(, query.iterrows()), total=query.shape[0], disable=not display_progress))
geotensor_list = list(tqdm(, query.iterrows()),
total=query.shape[0], disable=not display_progress))

return concatenate(geotensor_list)

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134 changes: 134 additions & 0 deletions georeader/readers/
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Expand Up @@ -91,6 +91,27 @@ def figure_out_collection_landsat(tile:str) -> str:
return "LANDSAT/LC09/C02/T2_TOA"
raise ValueError(f"Tile of Landsat-9 {tile} not recognized")
elif tile.startswith("LT05"):
if tile.endswith("T1"):
return "LANDSAT/LT05/C02/T1_TOA"
elif tile.endswith("T2"):
return "LANDSAT/LT05/C02/T2_TOA"
raise ValueError(f"Tile of Landsat-5 {tile} not recognized")
elif tile.startswith("LT04"):
if tile.endswith("T1"):
return "LANDSAT/LT04/C02/T1_TOA"
elif tile.endswith("T2"):
return "LANDSAT/LT04/C02/T2_TOA"
raise ValueError(f"Tile of Landsat-4 {tile} not recognized")
elif tile.startswith("LE07"):
if tile.endswith("T1"):
return "LANDSAT/LE07/C02/T1_TOA"
elif tile.endswith("T2"):
return "LANDSAT/LE07/C02/T2_TOA"
raise ValueError(f"Tile of Landsat-7 {tile} not recognized")
raise ValueError(f"Tile {tile} not recognized")

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -255,6 +276,119 @@ def query(area:Union[MultiPolygon,Polygon],

return geodf

def query_landsat_457(area:Union[MultiPolygon,Polygon],
date_start:datetime, date_end:datetime,
)-> Union[gpd.GeoDataFrame, Tuple[gpd.GeoDataFrame, ee.ImageCollection]]:
Query Landsat-7, Landsat-5 or Landsat-4 products from the Google Earth Engine.
area (Union[MultiPolygon,Polygon]): area to query images in EPSG:4326
date_start (datetime): datetime in a given timezone. If tz not provided UTC will be assumed.
date_end (datetime): datetime in UTC. If tz not provided UTC will be assumed.
producttype (str, optional): 'all' -> {"L4", "L5", "L7"}, "L4", "L5" or "L7". Defaults to "all".
filter_duplicates (bool, optional): filter duplicate images over the same area. Defaults to True.
return_collection (bool, optional): returns also the corresponding image collection. Defaults to False.
extra_metadata_keys (Optional[List[str]], optional): extra metadata keys to add to the geodataframe. Defaults to None.
Union[gpd.GeoDataFrame, Tuple[gpd.GeoDataFrame, ee.ImageCollection]]: geodataframe with available products in the given area and time range

pol = ee.Geometry(mapping(area))

if date_start.tzinfo is not None:
tz = date_start.tzinfo
if isinstance(tz, ZoneInfo):
tz = tz.key

date_start = date_start.astimezone(timezone.utc)
date_end = date_end.astimezone(timezone.utc)
tz = timezone.utc

assert date_end >= date_start, f"Date end: {date_end} prior to date start: {date_start}"

if extra_metadata_keys is None:
extra_metadata_keys = []

if producttype == "all" or producttype == "L5":
image_collection_name = "LANDSAT/LT05/C02/T1_TOA"
elif producttype == "L4":
image_collection_name = "LANDSAT/LT04/C02/T1_TOA"
elif producttype == "L7":
image_collection_name = "LANDSAT/LE07/C02/T1_TOA"
raise NotImplementedError(f"Unknown product type {producttype}")

keys_query = {"LANDSAT_PRODUCT_ID": "title", 'CLOUD_COVER': "cloudcoverpercentage"}
img_col = ee.ImageCollection(image_collection_name).filterDate(date_start.replace(tzinfo=None),
# Merge T2 collection
img_col_t2 = ee.ImageCollection(image_collection_name.replace("T1", "T2")).filterDate(date_start.replace(tzinfo=None),
img_col = img_col.merge(img_col_t2)

if producttype == "all":
img_col_l4 = ee.ImageCollection("LANDSAT/LT04/C02/T1_TOA").filterDate(date_start.replace(tzinfo=None),
img_col_l4_t2 = ee.ImageCollection("LANDSAT/LT04/C02/T2_TOA").filterDate(date_start.replace(tzinfo=None),
img_col_l4 = img_col_l4.merge(img_col_l4_t2)
img_col = img_col.merge(img_col_l4)

# Add L7 T1 and T2
img_col_l7 = ee.ImageCollection("LANDSAT/LE07/C02/T1_TOA").filterDate(date_start.replace(tzinfo=None),
img_col_l7_t2 = ee.ImageCollection("LANDSAT/LE07/C02/T2_TOA").filterDate(date_start.replace(tzinfo=None),
img_col_l7 = img_col_l7.merge(img_col_l7_t2)
img_col = img_col.merge(img_col_l7)

geodf = img_collection_to_feature_collection(img_col,
["system:time_start"] + list(keys_query.keys()) + extra_metadata_keys,
as_geopandas=True, band_crs="B2")

geodf.rename(keys_query, axis=1, inplace=True)

if geodf.shape[0] == 0:
warnings.warn(f"Not images found of collection {producttype} between dates {date_start} and {date_end}")
if return_collection:
return geodf, img_col
return geodf

img_col = x: _rename_add_properties(x, keys_query))
geodf["collection_name"] = geodf.title.apply(lambda x: figure_out_collection_landsat(x))

geodf = _add_stuff(geodf, area, tz)

# Fix ids of Landsat to remove initial shit in the names
geodf["gee_id"] = geodf["gee_id"].apply(lambda x: "L"+x.split("L")[1])

if filter_duplicates:
geodf = query_utils.filter_products_overlap(area, geodf,
groupkey=["solarday", "satellite"]).copy()
# filter img_col:
img_col = img_col.filter(ee.Filter.inList("title", ee.List(geodf.index.tolist())))

img_col = img_col.sort("system:time_start")

if return_collection:
return geodf, img_col

return geodf

def images_by_query_grid(images_available_gee:gpd.GeoDataFrame, grid:gpd.GeoDataFrame) -> gpd.GeoDataFrame:
aois_images = images_available_gee.reset_index().sjoin(grid, how="inner").reset_index(drop=True)
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