Problem statement :
- Predict the percentage of an student based on the no. of study hours.
- This is a simple linear regression task as it involves just 2 variables.
- You can use R, Python, SAS Enterprise Miner or any other tool.
- What will be predicted score if a student studies for 9.25 hrs/ day?
- Here is the dataset :
Solution: Prediction using Supervised ML
Problem Statement:
- From the given ‘Iris’ dataset, predict the optimum number of clusters and
represent it visually.
- Use R or Python or perform this task
- Here is the dataset :
Solution: Prediction using UnSupervised ML
Problem Statement:
- Perform ‘Exploratory Data Analysis’ on dataset ‘Retail(Dataset).csv’
- As a business manager, try to find out the weak areas where you can work to
make more profit.
- What all business problems you can derive by exploring the data?
- You can choose any of the tool of your choice
(Python/R/Tableau/PowerBI/Excel/SAP/SAS) - Here is the dataset :
Solution: Exploratory Data Analysis-Retail
If you have any Queries or Suggestions, feel free to reach out to me.