ProveNFix is a program analysis and repair tool for temporal properties for C language. ProveNFix is written in OCaml, and built on top of the Meta Infer tool.
is a static analysis tool for Java,
C++, Objective-C, and C. Infer is written in OCaml.
Read Infer's Getting
Started page for
details on how to install packaged versions of Infer.
The repository provides the artifact for the FSE24 paper: ProveNFix: Temporal Property guided Program Repair. Our Benchmarks are available from Zenodo. The Source Code of the tool is available from GitHub. The final version of the Paper and the Appendix are publicly accessible.
We have a docker image to try out our tool, which is detailed in the Artifact Evaluation Doc.
docker pull yahuuuuui/fse24-prove_n_fix:ubuntu
docker run -i -t yahuuuuui/fse24-prove_n_fix:ubuntu /bin/bash
The source code repository is placed in "/home/", called "infer_TempFix". The benchmarks are also summarized in the docker env. Alternatively, one could build \toolName from scratch using a Linux system (tested on Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS), with the following dependencies:
apt install menhir
apt install cmake
apt install z3
apt install sqlite3
apt install opam
opam init
opam switch create 4.14.0
eval $(opam env)
git clone
cd infer_TempFix
Step 1: Put the default spec in the file "spec.c".
Step 3: Check out the analysis/repair results in the file "TempFix-out/detail.txt"
Here lists the pre-required commands for the benchmark projects
git checkout doubleFreeClose
Step 2: Put the default spec ("spec_Temp_grub.c", "spec_Temp_lxc.c", "spec_Temp_p11.c") in the file "spec.c", and run ProveNFix on the projects Grub, lex, and p11-kit respectively.
Step 3: Check out the analysis/repair results in the file "TempFix-out/detail.txt"
git checkout Infer_OpenSSL
Get the source code and unzip OpenSSL
cd openssl-3.1.2
./Configure --prefix=/usr/local/ssl --openssldir=/usr/local/ssl \
Add the first two specs in the file "spec.c".
#define SW_CHANNEL_MIN_MEM (1024*64)
/*@ return(arg):
Post (TRUE, return(arg))@*/
/*@ ERR_new():
Post (TRUE, ERR_new())@*/
Check out generated specs in the file "spec.c".
Thanks for trying out ProveNFix. In case there are any issues, please contact Yahui Song ([email protected])