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Describe data for Solid
This is an Archived Page: The following content has been ported from solidproject.org
Now that we have a vocabulary, we can use it to describe data. To this end, let us introduce the two most renowned obelisks designers of their time: Vuittonluis and G. Armani. if you look up their profile, you will notice that each of them describes himself as an obelisk:Sculptor
@prefix obelisk: <http://w3id.org/obelisk/> .
# The next line defines an empty prefix ":", which points to the current document (e.g. https://garmani.solidcommunity.net/profile/card)
@prefix : <#>.
# "a" is short for "rdf:type"
a obelisk:Sculptor.
In this case, the thing that we are talking about is :me
, and we are saying that this thing is of type obelisk:Sculptor
. Vuittonluis keeps track of the obelisks he sold to VIP. For instance, he built a custom one for his queen Cleopatra:
@prefix : <#>.
@prefix obelisk: <http://w3id.org/obelisk/> .
@prefix xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .
:cleopatras_obelisk a obelisk:Obelisk ;
obelisk:ownedBy <https://cleopatra.solidcommunity.net/profile/card#me> ;
obelisk:builtBy <https://vuittonluis.solidcommunity.net/profile/card#me> ;
obelisk:heigth "25.0"^^xsd:float.
Cleopatra has a collection of obelisks. Let's check it out:
@prefix : <#>.
@prefix coll: <>.
@prefix ldp: <http://www.w3.org/ns/ldp#>.
@prefix obelisk: <http://w3id.org/obelisk/> .
@prefix me: <https://cleopatra.solidcommunity.net/profile/card#me> .
@prefix xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .
@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
a ldp:BasicContainer, ldp:Container;
ldp:contains :myFirstObelisk, :myDesignerObelisk, :myOwnObelisk.
:myFirstObelisk a obelisk:Obelisk ;
obelisk:ownedBy me: ;
obelisk:heigth "3.0"^^xsd:float ;
rdfs:comment "I was offered this as a child. I don't remember who built it, and it's funny how it seemed big to me back then.".
:myDesignerObelisk a obelisk:Obelisk ;
obelisk:ownedBy me: ;
obelisk:builtBy <https://vuittonluis.solidcommunity.net/profile/card#me>;
obelisk:heigth "25.0"^^xsd:float ;
rdfs:seeAlso <https://vuittonluis.solidcommunity.net/public/gallery/prestigious%20sales/cleopatra.ttl#cleopatras_obelisk> .
:myOwnObelisk a obelisk:Obelisk ;
obelisk:ownedBy me: ;
obelisk:builtBy me: ;
obelisk:heigth "0.2"^^xsd:float ;
rdfs:comment "I made this one myself!" .
Some of the elements (e.g. ldp:Container) in there are specific to how Solid represents data storage. If you want to find out more about that, you can look up the description of this vocabulary. Otherwise, we can conclude this short tutorial by creating a nice collection of obelisks in your own pod. You can see the vocabulary snippet into src/collection.js
However, it's not really convenient to manage vocabularies as plain text: it is error-prone, hard to maintain, and unpleasant to read. To address this issue, we introduce some helper libraries that enable publishing your vocabulary as code artifacts, and to use your vocabulary in your code.
Vocabularies (Archived Pages)
- Create your own vocabulary (Archived Page)
- Vocabulary building best practices (Archived Page)
- Improve your vocabulary(Archived Page)
- NeOn, a vocabulary creation methodology (Archived Page)
- Describe data for Solid (Archived Page)
- Publish your vocabulary (Archived Page)
- Publish your vocabulary as RDF (Archived Page)
- Publish your vocabulary as code artifacts (Archived Page)
Reverse Proxy Tutorials (Archived Pages)
Miscellaneous (Archived Pages)