- https://solana.com/developers
- https://solana.com/developers/guides
- Slides from the workshop: Google Slides
- uses TypeScript and NodeJS
(as the package manager)
- Clone this repo to your local system
- Install the packages via
npm install
After getting setup locally, we recommend exploring the code of the following files (in order):
Once setup locally, you will be able to run the scripts included within this repo:
npx esrun ./scripts/<script>
A brief introduction to the Solana web3.js package. Demonstrating and explaining the commonly used portions of web3.js, including:
- connections
- keypairs
- getting an account's SOL balance
- reading data from the blockchain
- account storage
- recent blockhash
Demonstrating how to build and send simple transactions to the blockchain using web3js. Including:
- connecting to the blockchain
- generating a new keypair
- constructing a simple instruction
- building and signing a transaction
- sending and confirming that transaction
An introduction to more complex transactions using Solana web3.js. Demonstrates how to build a more complex transaction, with multiple instructions.
Checkout this comprehensive guide to setting up your local environment. The following resources my also be helpful:
- Installing NodeJS:
- https://www.linode.com/docs/guides/how-to-install-use-node-version-manager-nvm/
- https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/node-version-manager-nvm-install-guide/
- https://collabnix.com/how-to-install-and-configure-nvm-on-mac-os/
- https://adamtheautomator.com/install-nvm-on-windows/
- https://classic.yarnpkg.com/lang/en/docs/install/#mac-stable
- Installing Rust:
- Installing the Solana CLI:
- Generating Keypairs:
- General Solana Resources:
- Docs & How-To's:
- Blockchain Explorer Tools:
- Popular Libraries:
- Rust:
- https://docs.rs/solana-program/1.15.2/solana_program/
- https://docs.rs/spl-token/3.5.0/spl_token/
- https://docs.rs/spl-associated-token-account/1.1.3/spl_associated_token_account/
- https://docs.rs/mpl-token-metadata/1.11.0/mpl_token_metadata/
- https://docs.rs/anchor-lang/0.27.0/anchor_lang/
- https://docs.rs/anchor-spl/0.27.0/anchor_spl/
- JavaScript:
- Python:
- Rust: