- Dev Build
- Local Server
- HMR = Hot Module replacement
- File Watching Algorithm ~ writeen in C++
- Caching - faster build
- Image Optimisation
- Minification
- Bundling
- compress
- consistent hashing
- code splitting
- differential bundling - support older browsers
- diagnostic
- error handling
- Tree Shaking - remove unused code
- Different dev and prod bundles
- Header
- logo
- Nav Items
- Body
- Search
- Restaurant container
- Restaurant card
- Image
- Name of res, star rating, cuisine , delivery time,
- Footer
- Copyright
- links
- address
- contact
Two types of export/import
Default export/import export default Component; import Component from "path";
Named export/import export const Component; omport {Component} from "path";
#React Hooks normal JS utility function
- useState() - To generate state variable in react
- useEffect()
useEffect takes two arguments, one callback function, another optional dependency array if the dependency array is not there, useEffect will be called everytime the component renders, but it is not necessary as we don't want to make the API call everytime the component renders, we just want make it once when our component renders (empty dependency array)