Here is a sample configuration to send SMS texts or make a call (ring or text-to-speech) from Home Assistant.
You need to have an SMSEagle hardware SMS gateway (
SMSEagle setup
- Login to webGUI of your SMSEagle device
- Go to menu Users > Access to API
- Enable APIv2 and generate new API access token
- In permissions enable: Send SMS (single recipient), Make a ring call, Make a TTS Advanced call
Home Assistant setup
- Open file configuration.yaml (located in your HomeAssistant /config folder)
- Add the lines from configuration.yaml file from this repository
Replace IP.OF.YOUR.SMSEAGLE with IP of your SMSEagle device
Replace YOUR-API-ACCESS-TOKEN with actual access token from setup
To send SMS from Home Assistant:
- Select action "Notifications: Send a notification with send_sms"
- In field message type your SMS text
- Check field "data" and enter:
To make a call (text-to-speech) from Home Assistant:
- Select action "Notifications: Send a notification with make_tts_call"
- In field message type your text
- Check field "data" and enter:
To make a ring-only call from Home Assistant:
- Select action "Notifications: Send a notification with make_a_call"
- In field message type: Ring
- Check field "data" and enter: