A cli http server to fire local requests at that always responds 200 OK.
With cli options can customize status codes for common methods, body reflection, content-type header, and whether to return response body at all.
NodeJS, NPM.
npm install -g 200-ok
200-ok: listening on port 2000...
Crtl-Break in terminal to stop.
POST /foo
cache-control: no-cache
postman-token: b54a15a5-121e-49db-b7f1-1e1ad73ae52e
content-type: text/plain
user-agent: PostmanRuntime/7.4.0
accept: */*
host: localhost:2000
accept-encoding: gzip, deflate
content-length: 14
connection: keep-alive
body: Thisissomedata
len: 14
Type -h at the cli for usage.
Usage: 200-ok [-p port] [--del 200] [--get 200] [--head 200] [--patch 200]
[--post 200] [--put 200] [--content-type text/plain] [--response-body true]
[--reflect-post false] [--reflect-put] false [--reflect-patch] false
[--reflect-all] false [-h]
-p port [default: 2000]
--del DELETE [default: 200]
--get GET [default: 200]
--head HEAD [default: 200]
--patch PATCH [default: 200]
--post POST [default: 200]
--put PUT [default: 200]
--content-type Content-Type for responses [default: "text/plain"]
--response-body {"status':"message"} response [boolean] [default: true]
--reflect-post Reflect POST body [boolean] [default: false]
--reflect-put Reflect PUT body [boolean] [default: false]
--reflect-patch Reflect PATCH body [boolean] [default: false]
--reflect-all Reflect ALL bodies [boolean] [default: false]
-h Show help [boolean]