Note: This module is deprecated - use boxen/puppet-karabiner instead.
Installs KeyRemap4MacBook on your Mac.
include keyremap4macbook
# launch and add login-item
include keyremap4macbook::login_item
# enable remapping left control to left control + escape
keyremap4macbook::remap{ 'controlL2controlL_escape': }
# set the parameter.keyoverlaidmodifier_timeout to 300
keyremap4macbook::set{ 'parameter.keyoverlaidmodifier_timeout':
value => '300'
# set the contents of the private.xml file.
keyremap4macbook::private_xml{ 'private.xml':
content => '<some>xml</some>'
Write code. Run script/cibuild
to test it. Check the script
directory for other useful tools.