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[Owner: Charaf Zellou] app for indexing Vortex Network (Smartlink)


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Python-based application designed to index and expose data from the Vortex DEX on protocol.

The application saves the storage of the indexed contracts, and their respective operations.

Note that the application provides a formatted storage for these contracts, from the raw data of TZKT's API.

This application stores the indexed data in a Postgres database, and exposes it via a GraphQL server at the path http://localhost:8000/graphql.

Indexed contracts :

# Contracts :

# Tokens :
SMAK TOKEN @ "KT1TwzD6zV3WeJ39ukuqxcfK2fJCnhvrdN1X"
ANTI TOKEN @ "KT1MsktCnwfS1nGZmf8QbaTpZ8euVijWdmkC"

# Token Factories :
FACTORY FA12 @ "KT1PwnTa2f1Uac958RFTk6i6EecPNgJrtHKv"
FACTORY FA2 @ "KT1JW8AeCbvshGkyrsyu1cWa5Vt7GSpNKrUz"

# Staking :
SMAK STAKING @ "KT1TR4qabnDU6aAUym6nauSGaRwJpoKU3efP"

# Farming :
Farms V1 @ "KT1QF1kK7WD8gMVrcE3P2FVFFQnKV2a4JwgU"
Farms V2 @ "KT1GDqyEpUk7zE227M66eLPR4evVa1vjjvQY"

Running the app via Docker-Compose :

If you wish to test the app locally via Docker, make sure your .env file is correctly setup.

Make sure the PG_HOST is set to the name of the corresponding service in the Docker-compose.yaml :


Then you can run the following command :

docker-compose up -d

Running the app locally :

If you wish to test the app locally, make sure your .env file is correctly setup.

Then you can run the following commands :

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y git g++ gcc pkg-config make cmake m4 libgmp-dev libsodium-dev libsecp256k1-dev
pip install --upgrade pip==23.1.2
pip install poetry==1.5.1
poetry install
poetry poetry run uvicorn main:app

Aleph Deployment Requirements :

If you wish to deploy this app to, you will need the aleph command from aleph-client

Aleph Virtual Machines

Programs on Aleph run within virtual machines: emulated computer systems with dedicated resources that run isolated from each other.

Aleph Virtual Machines (VMs) are based on Linux and use Firecracker under the hood.

Each program runs on its own dedicated Linux system, with the host providing additional functionalities related to Aleph.

Aleph Runtime

The base of each VM is a Linux root filesystem named runtime and configured to run programs on the Aleph platform.

The runtime currently supported by Aleph is aleph-debian-11-python.

  • Python programs must support the ASGI interface, described in the example below.
  • Binaries must listen for HTTP requests on port 8080

Aleph Volumes

VMs can be extended by specifying additional volumes that will be mounted in the system :

  • Read-only volumes are useful to separate Python virtual environments, Javascript node_modules or static data from the program itself. These volumes can be updated independently from the program and the runtime, and maintained by a third party.

  • Ephemeral volumes provide temporary disk storage to a VM during its execution without requiring more memory.

  • Host persistent volumes are persisted on the VM execution node, but may be garbage collected by the node without warning.

  • Store persistent volumes (not available yet) are persisted on the Aleph network. New VMs will try to use the latest version of this volume, with no guarantee against conflicts.

Uploading to Aleph

After installing aleph-client, you should have access to the aleph command:

aleph --help

Upload your program:

aleph program ./src main:app

Press Enter to skip adding extra volumes to your program:

Add volume ? [y/N]

You should then get a response similar to the following:

Your program has been uploaded on Aleph.

Available on:

Visualise on:

ℹ️ You may get the warning Message failed to publish on IPFS and/or P2P. This is common and usually not an issue.

ℹ️ The second URL uses a hostname dedicated to your VM. Aleph identifiers are too long to work for URL subdomains, so a base32 encoded version of the identifier is used instead.

ℹ️ You can make your own domain point to the VM. See the ADVANCED section.

Running on Aleph

You can now run your program by opening one of the URLs above. Each URL is unique for one program :

Uploading updates to Aleph

You could upload the new version as a new program, but this would break the URL above and you would have to give the updated URL to all your friends.

While Aleph messages cannot be edited, there is a solution to this issue: you can publish amend messages that reference the original message to add some changes to it.

The aleph update command is similar to aleph program, except it requires the hash of the program to update.

aleph update $HASH ./src

ℹ️ Note that amend messages must be sent from the same Aleph address as the original program to work, else they will be ignored.

ℹ️ Backup your private key, else you may lose the ability to update a program.


[Owner: Charaf Zellou] app for indexing Vortex Network (Smartlink)





