#416 Complete the removal of smallrye.jwt.sign.key-location and smallrye.jwt.encrypt.key-location properties
#413 Remove deprecated JWT Build API inner-sign none signature support and key location properties
#392 Update MP Config version to 2.0
#389 Remove Optional for the config properties with the default values
#381 Create smallrye-jwt-http-mechanism and smallrye-jwt-cdi-extension modules
#379 Remove Optional for the config properties with the default values
#378 Add smallrye-jwt-http-mechanism and smallrye-jwt-cdi-extension modules
#367 Move the JAX-RS related code into smallrye-jwt-jaxrs
#337 Update MP Config dependency to 2.0.
#332 Improve jwt-auth modularization before 3.0.0 release
#247 Support mp.jwt.verify.publickey.algorithm.
#245 Fixed issues with sign and decrypt.
#244 Fix DecryptionKeyLocationResolverTest test
#243 Consider Refactor JWTAuthContextInfoProvider
#241 Throw NotAuthorizedException if a JWT is sent to an unauthenticated endpoint and is not valid
#240 Support MP JWT 1.2 new configurations
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