This program lists trades made by U.S. government officials. The financial reports official documents that the program scape fom and then read by Google Gemini.
install the package Playwright browsers and OS dependencies
go run install --with-deps
# Or
go install
playwright install --with-deps
if you want the trades to be email to you and your friends you can create a free gunmail account
edit the gunmail.config file to enable this future
me@pc:~$ ./clerk --help
CLERK TRADES - U.S. Government Official Financial Report Tracker
Usage: %s [<ticker_duration> | <list>] [OPTIONS]
ticker_duration Duration for the application ticker to check for new
reports on Clerk website. Minimum 3h (e.g. 24h, 72h).
Only accepts 'h' for hours before the integer.
If not specified, it will not check for new reports.
list Specify the number of reports to list their trades.
(type=int). This argument must be greater than
0 but less that 6.
If used, the program will exit after printing.
Note: Only one of these two arguments may be provided at a time.
-n <name> List reports of a specific individual.
-e, --email Enable email notifications for trade results via Mailgun.
Configure settings in 'gunmail.config' to activate.
--log Save logs to file.
-v, --verbose Enable verbose output for detailed logging and information.
-h, --help Display this help menu.