PrusaSlicer 2.3 config for Anet A8 with Marlin firmware.
Largely follows the recommendations of Thomas Sanladerer here:
Only difference is first layer height 0.35 mm and 200% first layer extrusion width, as that appeared to make prints stick better on my glass-bed equipped Anet A8.
Used on the following Anet A8 config:
- Glass bed
- Various self-printed improvements (braces, belt stiffeners etc.)
- Bed re-wired/resoldered for safety
- Flashed with Marlin (exactly this config:
So should work for stock Anet A8 just fine. Only created a PLA config, as I don't use other filament types at the moment.
Created on Ubuntu 18.04 with PrusaSlicer 2.3.0-rc2+linux-x64.