- Pdf report of project details (Final-Project-Report.pdf in repo)
- Slide show of project overview (Final-Slides in repo)
- Link to slide presentation - https://youtu.be/LddPK043qfw
- torch
- numpy
- matplotlib
- seaborn
- pandas
- <agent_type> either TD or DQN
- <model_load> names are only required if continuing to train an existing model that needs to be loaded
- <model_targets> only needed if doing dqn because they require the two model files
python rl-mercher.py train <model_save_name> <agent_type> <model_load_name> <model_target_load_name>
python rl-mercher.py eval <eval_model_name> <agent_type> <model_eval_name> <model_target_eval_name>
main file to run and train models runnable via command line arguments as mentioned above other paramters configurable by editing the file iteself (random-decay, minimum_randomness)
various helper methods using in rl_mercher to clean up main file includes the functions handling the learning episode loop and the model evaluation loop
Open-Gym enviornment to simulate trading items on the grand exchange
Temporal Difference Agent
Deep Q-Learning Network Agent
Data file with the historic price/volume information of different game items