This is the top-level catkin ws for the subT sensor suite.
To initialize the workspace using wstool:
mkdir src
wstool init src .rosinstall
This pulls all the necessary packages that have separate repos into the src/ folder. Then,
source devel/setup.bash
All of the meta launch files we use can be found in launch/
- If in Access Point mode:
- Switch network to name: radar-odroid-ap, password: arpg4ever
ssh [email protected]
password:odroid- on your own machine
- If in BARlab mode:
- Switch network to BARlab
ssh odroid@radar-odroid0
password: odroid- on your own machine
export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://radar-odroid0:11311
The topics thatare published from the odroid can be viewed on your own machine.
Below is a log of what changes were made to setup the odriod as an access point, for reference
(Using interface wlan0)
added a bunch of lines to /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf
- network name: radar-odroid-ap
- password: arpg4ever
- (Using interface wlan0)
added the last 4 lines to /etc/network/interfaces
added last line to /etc/default/isc-dhcp-server
commented out some lines from /etc/dhcp/dhcp.conf
added lines under 'subnet ...' in /etc/dhcp/dhcp.conf
changed hostname in /etc/hostname, for access point has to be odroid, but for BARlab should be radar-odroid0
- services to stop:
- networking-manager (necessary?)
- services to restart:
- networking
- services to start
- isc-dhcp-server
- hostapd
To go back to BARlab, have to comment out last 4 lines of /etc/network/interface and then $ sudo service network-manager restart, change hostname back to radar-odroid0
To go back to Access point mode, uncomment last 4 lines of /etc/network/interface and then reboot
- make internet somehow
- easy switching between BARlab and access point mode
- hostname when in access point mode