Lookup AWS web server IP addresses. This tool assumes that the following architecture is in place:
Route 53 -> Cloudfront -> ELB -> EC2
Route 53 -> ELB -> EC2
This tool requires BASH, PHP and the AWS CLI.
Clone this repo somewhere on your machine.
This tool is compatible with version 1 and 2 of the CLI.
Before you configure the AWS CLI, you will need access to our AWS account and create a set of API keys.
$ aws configure
Default region name [None]: ca-central-1
Default output format [None]: json
Important: Make sure you set json
as the output format.
This assumes you are using the .bashrc file. If your OS has another way to manage aliases, use that instead.
vi ~/.bashrc
Add the following to your .bashrc file. The path may be different on your machine.
alias awsip='/path/to/aws-ip-lookup/lookup.sh'
Import the changes into your shell environment:
source ~/.bashrc
$ awsip -d=domain.com
Looking up Web Server IP's for "domain.com":
Looked up the Hosted Zone ID for Domain "domain.com":
Hosted Zone ID: ID
Looked up the A record for "domain.com":
Alias Target: domain.cloudfront.net.
Cloudfront ID: ID
Looked up the ELB domain for Alias Target "domain.com":
ELB Domain: ELB.us-east-1.elb.amazonaws.com
Looked up the ELB ARN for ELB "ELB":
Looked up the HTTPS Listener ARN for ELB "ELB":
Listener ARN: ARN
Looked up the Target Group ARN for Listener "ARN":
Target Group ARN: ARN
Looked up the Instance Ids in the Target Group "ARN":
Instance ID: ID (Port 80)
Instance ID: ID (Port 80)
Looked up the Instance IP's:
999.999.999.998 = NAME
999.999.999.999 = NAME
Request processed in 11.40115404129 seconds.
$ awsip -d=domain.com -s=sub
Looking up Web Server IP's for "sub.domain.com":
Looked up the Hosted Zone ID for Domain "domain.com":
Hosted Zone ID: ID
Looked up the A record for "sub.domain.com":
Alias Target: domain.cloudfront.net.
Cloudfront ID: ID
Looked up the ELB domain for Alias Target "sub.domain.com":
ELB Domain: ELB.us-east-1.elb.amazonaws.com
Looked up the ELB ARN for ELB "ELB":
Looked up the HTTPS Listener ARN for ELB "ELB":
Listener ARN: ARN
Looked up the Target Group ARN for Listener "ARN":
Target Group ARN: ARN
Looked up the Instance Ids in the Target Group "ARN":
Instance ID: ID (Port 80)
Instance ID: ID (Port 80)
Looked up the Instance IP's:
999.999.999.998 = NAME
999.999.999.999 = NAME
Request processed in 12.282615184784 seconds.
$ ./lookup.sh
Usage: ./lookup.sh -d=DOMAIN [-s=SUBDOMAIN]
-d --domain The domain used to lookup the hosted zone file.
-s --sub-domain The sub-domain used to lookup the A record of the domain.