This repository contains all the course material from the hands-on lessons of the ABAI 24/25 course. Theoretical lessons are held by Prof. Tommaso Di Noia, while hands-on lessons are held by Angela Di Fazio and Giovanni Servedio, Ph.D. Students @ Politecnico di Bari.
The repository will be updated along with the hands-on lessons. You will find both Python implementations and Prolog exercises. Interactive Python Notebooks, used during the lessons, will be provided alongside the code.
The Python implementations comprehend:
- Tree and Graph Search Algorithms:
- Uninformed Strategies
- Streets Problem Example
For further details regarding the course, please feel free to reach out to:
- Prof. Tommaso Di Noia
- Alberto Carlo Maria Mancino
- Vincenzo Paparella
- Angela Di Fazio
- Giovanni Servedio