##proximity placement group
module "proximity_placement_group" { source = "sironite/proximity_placement_group/azurerm" version = "X.Y.Z"
proximity_name = "example-proximity-placement-group" location = "eastus" resource_group_name = "example-resource-group" allowed_vm_sizes = ["Standard_D2s_v3", "Standard_D4s_v3"] zone = "1" tags = { environment = "dev" } }
## Providers
| Name | Version |
| azurerm | >= 2.0.0 |
## Modules
No modules.
## Resources
| Name | Type |
| [azurerm_proximity_placement_group.this](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/azurerm/latest/docs/resources/proximity_placement_group) | resource |
## Inputs
| Name | Description | Type | Required |
| location | The location of the proximity placement group. | `string` | yes |
| proximity\_name | The name of the proximity placement group. | `string` | yes |
| resource\_group\_name | The name of the resource group in which to create the proximity placement group. | `string` | yes |
| allowed\_vm\_sizes | A list of allowed VM sizes for the proximity placement group. | `list(string)` | no |
| tags | A mapping of tags to assign to the proximity placement group. | `map(string)` | no |
| zone | The zone in which to create the proximity placement group. | `string` | no |
## Outputs
| Name | Description |
| proximity\_placement\_group\_id | The ID of the proximity placement group. |
| proximity\_placement\_group\_name | The name of the proximity placement group. |
## Related documentation
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