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Python 78

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@jhmatthews jhmatthews released this 11 Jul 10:59
· 3713 commits to dev since this release

This is a release for Python 78.

This contains Issues and pull requests from 62 - 80. These include:

  • Increased NWAVES, N_PDF and NMODS for disk14 models
  • #79 #63 - Incorporated Travis tests for compilation and install, and also checks basic initialisation and atomic data readin
  • #74 - Fix for Bug #73. Now use frequency shifted to frame of cell then averaged
  • #76 - Only clean for population inversions if levels have a radiative transition between them
  • #77 - check if a photoionization edge is crossed (from Doppler shifts) along path element ds
  • #75 - Added errors for -ve rates, moved macro_pops call out of elements loop
  • #71 - Moving estimators increments from radiation into subroutines (estimators for PPL ionization solver and IP)
  • #69 - Fixed bug in which qdisk structure was incorrectly zeroed before photon generation
  • #67 - Scaling fix for temperatures higher than model grid
  • #64 #65 - Fix for q_recomb returning NAN
  • #62 - Changes to recomb.c to ensure that integrals converge when computing the recombination rates for very cold plasmas with the new extrap topbase data which extends to very high frequencies

The changes mostly relate to

  • disk models- ensuring that we deal with running off the edge of a stellar atmosphere grid
  • problems with macro atom modes, mainly relating to the estimators and macro_pops. Also a simple fix to q_recomb to make it more stable numerically
  • Changes to recomb.c described above
  • When calculating the bf opacity, we now shift the frequency to the correct rest frame, and also check if the photon crosses a bf edge along it's path element ds.
  • Fixes to anisotropic scattering modes to speed up the code when using the rejection method to choose a direction in an optically thick cell. Caused a speed up of up to a factor 5 in some cases.

This release is intended to be a stake in the ground prior to Sam starting work on the code, for JM's 2014 CV paper, and also for the July 2014 meeting.