For this task assignment, I chose to display the economic indices of the Baltic countries. The user could select two countries of their choosing and compare the two indicators closely.
- For the GDP/capital data, I manually entered the data from the IMF database into the geojson file and accessed it within the select function
- For the Residential Property Prices Index, I used the OECD API to access their extensive database
- Countries geojson extracted from Natural Earth
- The country emojies were accessed through through restcountries API
Technologies used:
- ESRI ArcGIS JavaScript SDK: I purposefully used the SDK without API credentials for later possible deployment onto my ePortfolio. Furthermore, the application could be run simply by double-clicking on the index.html file
- Chart.JS was used for the pretty plots
- QGIS was used for quick and dirty visualization and editing
- Visual Studio Code for weaving everything together