Kinematics of a UR5 robot arm and Basler CigE cameras.
This repository stores my work on the forward kinematics of a UR5 Universal Robot, to present objects to a set of cameras.
The way this repo is set up follows the following logic:
- is the heart of the application
- contains all the different elements like the robot, the modbus, and the cameras
We have the following components:
- contains the top camera and the detail camera
- contains the robot functionality (sending commands, moving, etc)
- contains the lower level interface of reading from the modbus
Then come the modules:
- ImageModule.pu is for treating images
- KinematicsModule computes the forward kinematics of the robot
The KinematicsModule is largely replaced by c scripts that can be found in the src directory. To compile these scripts we need a Makefile and a file.