October 23-24, 2018, Ilini Center, Chicago
200 S Wacker Dr, Chicago, IL 60606
Important links
- 📝 Agenda
- 💬 Proposed breakout topics
- 🗳 Live poll to choose topics
- 📝 Notes for breakout sessions →
- 🗄️ Submit your lightning talk slides
- Get reimbursed
In this workshop, we want to:
- Help attendees meet each other and understand their goals
- Get answers for our survey and encourage further distribution of the survey
- Talk about ethnographic studies
- Present a set of topics that we think will be potential areas of work in a future institute
- Identify a subset of these, plus additional topics that are potentially important to the community, to discuss further
- Refine, merge, discard topics
- Document the workshop’s results
We want to come out of this workshop with:
- An informed and enthused set of attendees (including a group photo)
- A list of candidate topics for an institute, some of which may be well-understood
- Thoughts on institute roles - what could an institute do to address the topics?
- Thoughts on institute organization - how could an institute be organized to do this?