The Store Sales Prediction Application predicts the sales of different products at BigMart Stores based on Item and Outlet data.
Nowadays, shopping malls and Big Marts keep track of individual item sales data in order to forecast future client demand and adjust inventory management. In a data warehouse, these data stores hold a significant amount of consumer information and particular item details. By mining the data store from the data warehouse, more anomalies and common patterns can be discovered.
The solution proposed here is a Store Sales Prediction Web Application that allows user to predict store sales based on Item and Outlet Data using machine learning. The model is updated as per the admin so that it remains updated as per the latest store sales data.
• PyCharm and DataSpell is used as IDE. • Python Flask as backend. • HTML and CSS for frontend. • MongoDB as database for insertion and retrieval of records. • GitHub is used as version control system. • XGBoost is used for model building. • Optuna is used for hyperparameter tuning. • Docker is used to containerize the application. • CircleCI is used as CI/CD tool. • AWS ECR is used to store docker containers. • AWS S3 is used to store “” file. • AWS Elastic Beanstalk is used to deploy the container.
Install Python 3 Go inside the StoreSalesPrediction folder Run on cmd - python
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Shubham Gantayat - [email protected]
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