$ brew install shopnilsazal/tap/checkr
Or you can download binary from releases page.
$ checkr -n packageName -m packageManager
$ checkr -n django -m pip
To search from multiple package managers, write them using comma
$ checkr -n django -m pip,gem,npm
To search from all supported package managers, write 'all' keyword
$ checkr -n django -m all
$ checkr --help
-n string
Provide a package name you want to search. (default "react")
-m string
Provide package managers where you want to search. (default "npm")
$ checkr -n django -m pip
✖ django is unavailable on 'pip'
$ checkr -n rails -m pip,gem,npm
✖ rails is unavailable on 'pip'
✖ rails is unavailable on 'gem'
✖ rails is unavailable on 'npm'
$ checkr -n mynewpackage007 -m all
✔ mynewpackage007 is available on 'gem'
✔ mynewpackage007 is available on 'hex'
✔ mynewpackage007 is available on 'pip'
✔ mynewpackage007 is available on 'npm'
✔ mynewpackage007 is available on 'crates'
pip - Python Package Index
npm - NodeJS Package Manager
gem - Ruby Gem
hex - Package manager for the Erlang ecosystem
crates - The Rust crate Registry