A template for creating a nodejs express based server with a reactjs client along using other well maintained packages:
- react-router
- webpack (and complimentary relevant packages)
- request
- Expressjs
- pug
First you should clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/shmilky/node-react-template.git
The project is separated to 2 sub-folders
Once the clone is finished you must npm install the both of them
cd client
npm install
cd ..
cd server
npm install
cd ..
- client - where all the react client code exist, also where the client development environment files are
- src
- api - the place for all api calls
- components - dumb components home
- containers - when using redux this is where the connected components should live
- resources - folder for utils, helpers etc.
- styleMain - main style configurations
- App.js - the main app file
- index.js - where it all begins:)
- routes - helper to dynamically configure your web app routes
- webpack
- clientConfig.js - general webpack configurations for compiling the client for using on the browser
- webpack.dev.js - for development environment webpack configuration, mostly the usage of dev-server
- webpack.prod.js - when you want to go to production
- ssrConfig.js - general webpack configurations for compiling the client for SSR
- webpack.ssr.js - will be used when ssr
- .babelrc
- webpack.config.js
- src
- server - where all the node server code exist
entry - determine the initial client app index.js file output - determine what is the bundle files names (filename, chunkFilename) inlcluding where to place them (path) and from where we expact clients to consume them (publicPath) externals - specify which libraries will be used as the global libs (fetched from CDN)
devServer - used for dev only to have compiled file cached in-memory, currently listen to port 3000 and proxy other requests to port 4300 plugins
- DefinePlugin - replace object to specific static strings, uses
- CaseSensitivePathsPlugin to generate compilation errors on windows (by default not throw errors for usage of wrong folder names)
plugins -
- extractSass - move all sass to a static css file
- DefinePlugin - replace object to specific static strings, uses
- UglifyJsPlugin - uglify code
entry - determine where the initial ssr App file is output - where we want to put the compiled code externals - using nodeExternals for ssr
Inline style with sass
Code splitting with System.require
Development client
npm install
npm start
server (to see node options go to the package file and see what exactly the npm command do)
npm install
npm start
Production (before running the server you should compile all client code for client usage and SSR) client
npm install
npm run compile
npm run compile-ssr
server (to see node options go to the package file and see what exactly the npm command do)
npm install
npm run start-prod