With help of config file you manage the configuration for both envirment local and prod. (configs/config.inc.php, configs/config.local.php) configuration like site url, database, cahe path log path, system setting, email setting, security setting, languages setting, session setting etc
you need to add data setting in configs/config.inc.php file $GLOBALS['config']['database']['type'] = 'mysqli'; $GLOBALS['config']['database']['user'] = 'root'; $GLOBALS['config']['database']['password'] = 'password'; $GLOBALS['config']['database']['hostname'] = 'localhost'; $GLOBALS['config']['database']['port'] = '3306'; $GLOBALS['config']['database']['database'] = 'SherPHPFrameWork'; $GLOBALS['config']['database']['encoding'] = 'utf8';
with help of deploy you manage the migrations file and database. you add migration file deploy/migrations folder file file 20200619_migrate_SHER_1.php. Migration file name migrate.php. You run migration with php deploy/migrate.php command.
you can add log with $GLOBALS['log']->info('run');. This log is save in "cache/logs/app.log" file
you can add cron with cron directory. you add file in directory and set some param llike cron name and time. add cron name in cron.php $crons array. set cron.php in your server cron tab.