It looks like a calculator and acts like a calculator.
$ component install
$ component build
Create a calculator element and append it to the body:
var calculator = require('calulcator');
var calc = calculator();
Listen for events:
calc.on('button', function(number, event){
console.log('current number is: ' + number);
calc.on('confirm', function(number, event){
console.log('tick or equals button pressed, resulting number is: ' + number);
calc.on('clear', function(event){
console.log('clear has been pressed and we can assume that the resulting number is 0');
Pass in a map of buttons that you want included. Their position in the multidimensional array reflects their position on the board.
var calculator([
['n1', 'n2', 'n3'],
['n4', 'n5', 'n6'],
['n7', 'n8', 'n9'],
['__', 'n0', 'nd'],
['_s', '_d', '_m'],
['_a', '_c', '_e']
Here are the possible button mappings:
'n1' > /* 1 */
'n2' > /* 2 */
'n3' > /* 3 */
'n4' > /* 4 */
'n5' > /* 5 */
'n6' > /* 6 */
'n7' > /* 7 */
'n8' > /* 8 */
'n9' > /* 9 */
'n0' > /* 0 */
'nd' > /* decimal */
'_a' > /* add */
'_s' > /* subtract */
'_c' > /* clear */
'_m' > /* multiply */
'_d' > /* divide */
'_e' > /* equals */
'_t' > /* tick */
'__' > /* blank */
Add various options as the second argument:
var calc = calculator(undefined,
display:true, /* whether to show the calculator display or not */
decimals:2, /* the maximum number of decimal places to show */
lib:'build/shennan-component/lib' /* the path to the lib folder for the required assets */
Each button gets given a class name, so targetting individual buttons in CSS is easy:
background-color: #333 /* make the equals button grey */
Here are the list of button class names:
Create a new calculator using the provided button config - an example config with all the buttons:
var buttons =
['n1', 'n2', 'n3'],
['n4', 'n5', 'n6'],
['n7', 'n8', 'n9'],
['__', 'n0', 'nd'],
['_s', '_d', '_m'],
['_a', '_c', '_e']
Clear the display of the calculator
Get a numeric representation of the current display or set the value if an argument is passed
called when a button is pressed with the current number
called when the equals or close button is pressed - passed the current number
called when the display is reset